Chapter 45: 10 months

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(Dreams pov)

It has now been 10 months since George had the kids.

Tommy got his own place right next to ours pretty luckily is my thought. Willow, Coral have both started crawling but Tessa is not so much, she just likes rolling around which makes me and George panic when she gets to close to the stairs.

But today me and George have started to notice that Willow is starting teething, Coral will be close behind then Tessa. I had gotten Tessa a bear about 10 months ago after my mom left that one day that she came to see Tommy and now Tessa takes the bear everywhere she goes.

I walk into the playroom to see Willow putting blocks on top of the others, Coral was playing with Minecraft mobs while Tessa was rolling around. Tessa knocks over Willow tower and Willow looks at Tessa.

Willow Crawls over to Tessa and stops her from rolling. Coral crawls over to Willow and sits down next to Tessa. George walks up next to me. George has 3 bottles in his hands and I smile at him. Coral looks up then crawls over to George really fast.

I pick Coral up and take one of the bottles. I start feeding her the bottle. I look up to see George feeding Willow a bottle while Tessa well she's just doing what she does best which is roll around the floor all day.

I finish feeding Coral and I put her down. I pick up Tessa and start feeding her. Once finished me and George put the kids in their cots. George takes the bottles and leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

I turn off the light and Tessa starts crying. I turn the light on and pick Tessa up.

"Sh sh shh sh" I say "It's okay my baby"

I put Tessa back in her cot when she stops crying. I put the night light on then turn out the light. Tessa falls asleep and I let out a sigh. I sit in my green chair and as I thought Willow starts crying. I pick her up then leave the room shutting the door behind me.

I walk downstairs and George looks at me.

"Is she teething?" George asks

"Yeah she is" I say "That means Coral next then Tessa"

"I hate this part of babyhood" George says

"You and me both" I say. I look at Willow who is calm at the moment.

"How is she?" George asks

"Calm" I say. George makes me a cup of honey tea.

"Thank you my love" I say. I drink a little of the tea then puts it down.

Willow starts crying again and I cuddle her close. George walks over to me and takes Willow. I stand up and make George a cup of mint tea. Willow calms down which is good. I put the cup of tea in front of George and he smells it.

"Mhm my favorite" George says. I smile.

"She okay?" I ask

"She's falling back asleep" George says

"Willow is going to be the one who likes take in so many animals but will kill someone if she has to" I say

"Your probably right" George says. I drink my honey tea and George drinks his mint tea.

"Coral is gonna be the one to like have a lighter and knife collection and will kill anyone if they even go near the other girls" George says

"Yes" I say "Then Tessa will be the one that if she gets mad she will kill anyone in her sight, she would be the collector of anything she will also be the one to drink tea and like make anyone else tea if they ask nicely"

"Yeah" George says. I smile.

Me and George continue to drink our tea's

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