Chapter 79: Wedding

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(Dreams pov)

I take a deep breath and look in the mirror at my suit.

Unlike George I don't have any best men I decided that I wanted to do this by myself. I look at my green tie, I move it a little then clear my throat. I turn and look away from the mirror. I look around the room I am in and let out a sigh.

I can't believe this is actually happening, I am actually marring Georgenotfound and even better, the mother to my kids our kids. I smile and walk over to the mirror again. I make my hair messy because I know George likes when my hair is nice and puffy.

I hear the door open which makes me jump and look at the door. Sapnap looks at me and laughs. 

"What" I say. Sapnap walks in and shuts the door behind him.

"Dude you can't go out there with that hair" Sapnap says

"Says who" I say

"Says me" Sapnap says. Sapnap walks up to me and walks me over to the desk with all the make-up.

Sapnap sits me down in the chair and turns me around to face the mirror. Sapnap grabs some hair gel and puts it in my hair, he puts my hair down so it is smooth and not puffy. Sapnap washes his hands then turns me around to face him.

"That's better" Sapnap says

"I hate it" I say

"Yes yes I know you hate hair gel but you can't have such messy hair at a wedding trust me" Sapnap says. I roll my eyes and stand up.

I hope George is doing okay.

(Georges pov)

I was scared yes but I was also very happy.

I spin around in my dress and Niki gives me a smile.

"Looks really good" Ranboo says 

"Thank you" I say. I sit down at the make-up desk and Niki runs over to me as well as Ranboo.

"So what make-up would you like?" Ranboo asks

"What ever make-up anyone would wear at a wedding" I say. Niki turns me around and smiles.

"Close your eyes then so I don't get anything in your eyes" Niki says. I nod and close my eyes.

I feel Niki start putting make-up on my face and I couldn't help but smile because it feels funny.

"Stop smiling please" Niki says

"But it feels funny" I say

"Yeah it will but I need to do this okay?" Niki says

"Okay" I say. I stop smiling and just listen as people talk.


(Dreams pov)

I walk to the aisle and stand there.

I look around to see that everyone I invite was actually here. I look around at everyone and smile. I stand tall as I start to hear music play. I look down the aisle to see George's bridesmaids walking down.

I let out a sigh and look to see George start walking down in a really pretty dress. I smile and George stands in front of me.

"Hi" George whispers

"Hello, you look amazing" I whisper

"So do you but I don't really like the hair" George whispers

"Sapnap did it, he said I had to have good hair and not messy hair" I whisper. George laughs a little which makes me smile more.

After a bit of the wedding we say our vows to one another.

"Do you George Davidson take Clayton Evans to be your husband"

"I do" George says

"And do you Clayton Evans take George Davidson to be your husband"

"I do" I say. I pull out our wedding rings and George lets out a calm breath.

Both rings have a gold base and the gems are lapis lazuli. I put George's ring on his left hand finger. George picks up my ring from the box and put it on my left hand finger.

"You may now kiss your husband" 

I put the box down and pulls George closer to me. I kiss him on the lips and everyone start clapping and screaming. George pulls away and smiles at me and I smile back. 

Me and George both look at everyone who are very happy

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