Chapter 143: badly cooked

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(Dreams pov)

I was cooking dinner in the kitchen but my mind seemed to be somewhere else.

George wanted to send me away for my birthday and know I understand why I wanted this memory gone, I don't want to be away from my family, from the girls, from my husband. I was making tacos well I think that's what I was making, my mind didn't know at all.

"Honey you okay?" George says. George puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I am fine" I say in a dead voice.

"Are you sure?" George says 

"Yeah" I say once again in a dead voice. 

"Okay just making sure" George says. George kisses me on the side of my lip.

George looks down at the cook.

"What are you cooking?" George asks

"Tacos" I say

"Yummy, can't wait" George says. George walks away to the stairs.

"I am gonna stream okay?" George says 

"Okay" I say. George walks upstairs.

I continue to cook the "Tacos" and lose track of time.


Everyone was sitting at the table and I put the "tacos" on everyone's plates.

Everyone looks down at the tacos and I sit down in my chair. George puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Honey I think we are gonna have some take out, your not okay" George says. I pick up the "taco" and take a bite. 

It was badly cooked and very horrible. George takes the "taco" out of my hands and puts it on the plate.

"Yeah your not okay, lets get some take out and get you to calm down" George says. George nods at the girls and they get out of their chairs and walk over to me.

"Comw on dad lwts go play somw vidwo gamws" Coral says. Coral pulls me out of the chair and drags me into the lounge room.

Coral helps me sit down on the lounge. Tessa crawls onto the lounge and sits down next to me. Willow walks over to the Xbox and turns it on and gives Coral a remote. Willow puts in a game and walks over to the lounge with Coral.

Coral sits next to me and Willow sits next to Coral. Coral puts a remote in my hands and gives one to Tessa as well. I look at the TV to see that it was playing Minecraft. The girls start playing and having fun.

I start playing as well. I look down to my left to see Tessa laughing and having a lot of fun, I look down at my right to see Willow and Coral laughing and pushing each other while they were punching each other in the Minecraft world.

A small smile grew on my face as I look back at the TV. I start laughing a little then start playing the game like I normally do. I see down the bottom of my screen that George has joined the game while he was streaming as well.

We start building and playing the game like normal but I couldn't help but notice that someone was playing the game like I do and is amazing at it just like me, some one who has my skills.

I look over at Tessa.

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