Chapter 67: better

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(Dreams pov)

After watching YouTube video's on the TV I am a lot calmer and feel more better.

I look at George who looks at me and smiles.

"How are you feeling?" George asks

"Better" I say 

"That's good" George says. George stands up and I follow.

We walk upstairs into the playroom to see Coral and Willow sitting on top of Tommy and Tessa rolling around them. Tommy looks at me.

"They are the devil!" Tommy says. I start laughing which makes George start laughing.

"That's my girls!" I say. Willow, Coral and Tessa all look at me and smile.

I walk over to Tessa and pick her up. I put Tessa next to Willow and step back. I take a photo of the girls sitting on top of Tommy.

"Don't you keep that" Tommy says

"Oh it's a keeper, I am putting it up on the wall" I say "And I am posting it on Twitter"

"Don't you dare!" Tommy says

"Girls hold him down" I say. Tessa rolls onto Tommy's arm and lays on it.

Willow holds Tommy's other arm while Coral sits on his chest.

"What is this?!" Tommy says. George is laughing even more.

I run out of the room and to mine and George's bedroom window. I climb out the window and onto the roof. I sit on the roof and go into Twitter.

Omg guy's Tommy's been pinned down to the ground by me and George's baby's wow
Attaches photo

I laugh a little as people start saving the photo and resending it, they comment on it as well.

Tommy will be very angry that you posted that

I know, that's why I am hiding on the roof of my house from my brother aka Tommy and yes he is my brother

What?! You and Tommy are brothers?!

Yep we are brothers

Wtf! Get off the roof you could hurt yourself! George is scared that you might fall

I put my phone in my pocket to see Tommy and George standing out the front of the house.

"Clay please get down from there!" George yells

"I have been up here many times before! So I am fine really!" I say

"OH MY GOD" George yells. I look behind me to see Tessa and Willow on the roof.

"Girls don't move!" I say. Willow and Tessa both look at me.

Tessa slips and I quickly grab her and Willow.

"You shouldn't be up here!" I say "Come on lets get down okay"

I look around. The window is gonna be hard to get through now because I have 2 kids in my arms. I look over at Tommy and George.

"Go to the bedroom window!" I yell "Me and George's!"

I watch as they both run inside. I crawl over to the edge and look down at the window. 

"Tommy hold your arms out the window" I say

"Be careful Tommy!" George says

"Why am I doing this?! I am known to drop things!" Tommy say

"Well Tommy, it's now or never, I believe in you" I say. I watch as shaky arms come out of the window.

I slowly put Tessa down in Tommy's arms. Tommy pulls his arms back inside and gives Tessa to George. Tommy's arms come back out. I slowly put Willow in Tommy's arms but I slip. I drop Willow but Tommy quickly catches her and brings her inside.

I hit my arm on the side as I slide down a little. I crawl back over to the edge.

"Is she okay?!" I say

"I wm okwy dwddy" Willow says. I look at my arm to see I have a long cut on it from slipping and sliding  it on the edge.

"Are you okay?!" Tommy says

"I am fine just back away from the window so I can crawl in" I say. Tommy backs away and I crawl in the window and sit on the floor.

"Hon are you?-"

"Leave please, I need some space" I say

"Okay" Tommy says. Both Tommy and George leave the room shutting the door behind them.

I sigh then walk into the bathroom to clean and bandage my cut. 

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