Chapter 193: Gender of the new baby

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(Dreams pov)

It has been a few months now and now we are gonna find out the gender of the baby.

We have decided to leave the girls with Tommy at home. Me and George were in the waiting room wait for the doctor to call us in. I move in my seat a bit and I must say that I am worried for sure.

"George Evans?"

Me and George both stand up and walk over to the room. We walk inside the room and George lays down on the bed. I sit down on a chair.

"Well George ready for number 4?"

"Not much but we are keeping them" George says 

"Well let's find out the gender"

"Yes lets" George says "Then we can finally think of good names"

"Good names? Every name is a good name" I say 

"Yes that is true" George says. I watch as the doctor pulls George's shirt up to reveal his stomach, George's stomach isn't as big then when the girls were in there.

"Okay George it seems that you are only having one child this time" 

"Thank god" George says 

"Now lets find out the wonderful gender" 

"Yes please" I say. The doctor looks at me.

"You really want to know don't you?"

"Yes I do and that would be lovely to know haha" I say. The doctor shakes his head and looks at the screen.

The doctor moves the thing around which makes me more nervous. I blink a few times which makes me look up at the clock. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.


I open my eyes and look at George.

"It's another girl" 

"YES" George says. I smile and slowly stand up.

I walk over to George and hold his hand.

"Looks like we are having more moody girls in the house" I say "They are gonna suck as teenagers"

"Yeah teenage girls are the worst" George says 

"Well what are you gonna name them?" 

"Not sure, we are gonna have to pick some soon" I say

"Do you think she is gonna have brown hair like mine?" George asks

"I am not sure and we are not gonna know until she is born" I say 

"Yeah I know" George says. George kisses me on the cheek which makes me smile.

"Ready to go home?"

"Yes" I say

"Yes please" George says. We leave a few minutes later and I drive home.

We get home and we get out of the car, I lock the car and we get inside the house. Coral runs over to me and George. I pick Coral up and she leans her head on me.

"Your having a little sister" I say 

"A LITTLE SISTER?!" Coral yells

"Yes a little sister" I say 

"YAY" Coral says "Can me, Willow and Tessa think of a name for her?"

"Hmm" I say. I look at George who smiles.

"Okay okay" I say. Coral eyes light up and she screams.

I cover my ears a bit which makes Coral sad.

"Hey it's okay sweetie just don't scream or yell in my ear okay?" I say

"Okay dad, I am sorry" Coral says 

"It's okay sweetie it's fine" I say "Now go with your sisters to find a name"

I put Coral on the ground and watch as the girls run upstairs fast.   


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