Chapter 33: He's here to babysit

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(Dreams pov)

I have been every protective of Willow, Coral and Tessa these days and George is starting to notice it every day.

I was sitting in the green chair with Tessa in my arms, I was rocking her back and forward. George walks into the room and looks at me.

"So I was thinking that maybe me and you should go out on a date and buy some shit for us and maybe for the kids" George says "Just you and me, A date?"

"Who is going to look after the kids?" I ask

"Wilbur, Tommy and Phil asked if they could look after the kids" George says. I look him in the eyes then look down at Tessa.

"Fine" I mumble. George smiles.

"YES" George yells

"Shhhh" I say

"Right sorry" George says. I look down at Tessa who moves her arms around. 

Tessa puts her hand on my cheek and I smile widely. George walks over to me and takes Tessa out of my hands. I stand up and walk over to the cots and pick Willow up.

"My first child, I should make you your own nickname" I say "My little blob, yes that's good, my little blob or just blob"

Willow opens her eyes and smiles at me. I smile back and giggle lightly.

"The guy's are on there way" George says

"Are we sure we can trust them with our little ones?" I ask

"Willow will be fine with them so will Coral" George says "But Tessa, I am not sure about, We just have to make sure that they know not to pick her up to hard, I don't want to see my little one get hurt"

"I don't as well so why don't we just take the girls with us" I say

"No no no it's a date, we are having a date with out the kids" George says "Everything will be okay alright? We will be okay we will all be okay"

"I just don't want my kids to get ripped away from me again" I say 

"They aren't getting ripped away from you and they never will" George says

"Unless my mother finds out" I say

"Shh lets not talk about your mother and stop worrying and lets go out and have some fun" George says 

"Okay" I say. I look down at Willow who is looking at me.

I put my hand near her mouth and she grabs my hand. Willow plays around with my hand she even puts my hand on her face. I giggle and didn't even notice that George left and has come back with Tommy, Phil and Wilbur.

I look at the guys and Tommy runs over to me and looks at Willow.

"Ha! I am no longer a child anymore!" Tommy says 

"Tommy" I say

"Yes?" Tommy says 

"You are still a child" I say

"Noooooooo" Tommy says

"You wanna hold?" I say

"YES" Tommy says 

"Tommy be careful ad don't drop her" I say. I carefully hand Willow to Tommy and he carefully takes her.

"I am holding the dnf child" Tommy says. I smile.

"She looks happy with you Tommy" I say

"Come on Clay lets go" George says

"Oh be careful with Tessa okay? Be very gentle with her" I say. George drags me downstairs and I garb my keys and wallet.

I get dragged out to the car and Me and George get in and drive away from the house.

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