Chapter 49: Room

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(Dreams pov)

I was sitting on the bed looking at the wall.

I was zoned out in my own world while looking at the wall that was until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jump and snap back to the real world to see George standing in front of me. George sits next to me.

"You okay? You seemed to be in your own world just then" George says

"I was in my own world" I say. I lean back and George rubs my back.

"Somethings wrong and I can tell" George says "What's on your mind"

"It's nothing don't worry about it okay? I just need some time with you at the moment just you and me that's it" I say

"Well Tommy went home, the kids are asleep so you have my full attention" George says 

"I know" I say. George smiles and stands up.

I pull George close to me and kiss him lightly. George makes the kiss deeper which makes me kiss him harder. I pull away and George takes a deep breath and smiles at me. I walk away from George.

I take my shirt off and George puts his hands on my back.

"AH your hands are cold!" I yell. George giggles.

I move away and walk into the closet and shut the door. George try's to open the closet and is giggling, I was also giggling and holding the closet door shut so he couldn't get in.

"Georgeeeee I am trying to changeeeeee" I say

"Let me change with you like god it's not like I haven't seen you naked" George says

"You haven't seen me naked dumb dumb!" I say giggling.

"Yes I have we like have had- ohhhhhhh" George says. I start wheezing every badly.

I fall to the ground wheezing. I couldn't really breath from wheezing so much. George walks inside the closet and lays next to me laughing as well.

"Y-your such a idiot" I try and say the best I can. 

"I- I am your idiot" George says. George holds my hand and I hold his hand back.

Me and George make eye contact and we calm down.

"So Clay I must say, can you sleep shirtless from now on? Your like really warm like way more warmer then when you have a shirt on" George says

"Yeah only if you want me to" I say

"I do want you to" George says. We both smile and stand up.

"Now come on let me get changed" I say

"Fineeee" George says. George leaves the closet and I shut the door behind him.

I grab out some black shorts and change into them. There is more then me just wanting attention, I am going into the hospital tomorrow for a big surgery to try and fix my stomach.

I have had bad eating problems and the doctors say they are going to have surgery on me to try and fix my stomach because it's not like when you don't eat for a normal person, the doctors say that it is much worse and they are gonna try and pull anything out of my stomach that's not needed. I need to tell George but I don't have the guts to say anything and I just want him to be happy and that's all I want to see not him worried for me.

I am going to keep my mouth shut and just sleep for the night.

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