Chapter 36: Founding out

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(Dreams pov)

Wilbur, Phil and Tommy have all left a few hours ago and me and George have been unpacking the stuff we brought from our date.

I hear the baby's cry which make me drop everything I was doing and run to the kids room. I walk over to the white cot which had Tessa in it, Tessa was crying.

"Aw my poor baby" I say "Is someone hungry?"

I go to pick Tessa up but when I do she cries and screams loudly which makes George run in and run up next to me.

"What happened?!" George half yells

"I don't know, I went to pick her up and as soon as I touched her she screamed" I say

"Did you pick her up to rough?" George asks

"No no I picked her up very softly" I say. I go to pick Tessa back up again and as soon as I touch her she cries and screams.

I move my hands away.

"You didn't touch her rough or anything" George says "So what's going on?"

"I don't know" I say. I pick Tessa up in a different way and she doesn't scream or cry.

"Let's bath her, then we should bath the others" George says 

"Okay" I say. I walk into the bathroom and fill the bath a little up.

I put Tessa on the change table and roll up my sleeves. I unzip her onesie.

"Whos ready for a bath" I say. I take her diaper off and the onesie.

That's when I saw it. Tessa has bruises under her arms and around her sides. I try to calm my anger but nothing was working. I carefully pick Tessa up and walk over to the bath. I carefully put Tessa in the bath and hold her so she won't drown.

George walks into the bathroom with a light blue onesie and a new diaper.

"George come here" I say. George puts the onesie and diaper on the change table and walks over to me.

George looks at Tessa and see's her bruises under her arms and on her sides.

"What happened?!" George says. George gets on the ground next to me and touches Tessa.

"I don't know but this wasn't here when we were here and had her so" I say

"Do you think that it was Wilbur or Phil or Tommy?!" George says

"I believe so" I say 

"But who would do that to a baby" George says

"Well the bruises are in a hand shape so we may find out who is no time" I say. I show George Tessa's side and he nods when he see's the hand mark.

"It's not mine" George says. George softly puts his hand on the bruise, George's hand is smaller and less big.

George moves his hand away.

"It's not mine" I say. I softly put my hand on the bruise, my hand is bigger and more wide but only a little.

I move my hand away and continue to give Tessa her bath.

"We are going to have to deal with this later at the moment we have to bath the girls" I say

"I agree, the girls need their bath and some cuddles" George says. I giggle lightly and have a smile on my face.

I continue to bath Tessa then Willow then Coral.

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