Chapter 43: She's found out

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(Dreams pov)


Was what I woke up to the first thing this morning. I was in bed cuddling my pillow because George had gone out to get some food.

"Tommy fuck off I am trying to sleep, it's like the only time I get to sleep now" I say

"Clay it's our mother" Tommy says. I sit up and look at Tommy.

"What about her?!" I say

"She knows about me now! She knows I am here!" Tommy says "Clay what is she gonna do to me I am just a kid!"

"Your you know 18" I say

"Clay that doesn't matter! From what I have seen and heard from you is that mother is horrible and scary, what will she do when she gets a hold of me?!" Tommy says full of panic.

"Tommy don't fear, she can't come to the house uninvited and if she does I'll just kick her out, that easy" I say 

"Clay" Tommy says "She's like on her way here now and the kids"

I stand up.

"We can't let her inside" I say

"I know!" Tommy says "Look forget about me and worry for the baby's"

"I am not forgetting about you, I am not letting her lay one finger on you" I say 

"Clay are you sure?" Tommy says

"I am not forgetting about you brother" I say "I will keep you and my baby's safe and George, I can't forget about the love of my life and the mother to my kids" 

"Wait wait the baby's are going to call George mom?" Tommy says 

"Yes, is there a problem with that Tommy?" I ask

"No no there's no problem with that, nothing at all" Tommy says 

"Good" I say. I hear a knock at the door which makes me jump but Tommy stays still.

"What do you hear brother?" Tommy says

"A loud knock at the door" I say. Me and Tommy both walk downstairs and I open the door.

My mother, Step dad, my older sister, my older brother and my younger sister and brother are standing in the doorway. My mother pushes past me and sits in the lounge room. My family follows which makes Tommy follow as well.

I shut and lock the door and walk into the lounge room. My mom looks at Tommy.


"Mother" Tommy says 

"Tommy this is your older sister Mia, Your older brother Liam, We have me then you, This is your younger sister Sam or you know her as Drista then your younger brother Zac well our younger brother" I say 

"Wow, mom who's this?" Zac says

"This is your older brother"

"From what dad?" Drista asks

"Same as your older brother Clay" 

"Well hello there I am Jason your step dad!" Jason says

"Nice to met you" Tommy says. Tommy and Jason shake hands.

I sit back and watch. My mother looks at me with a pissed face.

"So Clay going back to the family get away, why did you leave?"

"I had things at home to get back to" I say

"Was it more important them us?"

"I would say so yeah" I say. I hear the front door open.

George walks into the lounge room.

"I am home-" George stops "Clay what the fuck are they doing here"

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