Chapter 86: Last day

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(Willows pov)

Today was the last day that me, Coral and Tessa have to stay in this hell house and I am very happy about that.

Mommy and daddy will pick us up tomorrow which is gonna be amazing. Mommy and daddy are on the plane home right now and they are going to unpack then pick me and the girls up tomorrow.

I honestly don't like it here, its not Phil he's really nice and I like him a lot its the women who I don't like, she likes locking me and my sisters away in rooms when we do something "wrong" but Mommy and daddy aren't upset when we do those things at home.

These people are very different from home but Phil's not, he understands us and doesn't lock us away and even if the woman does he lets us out and if we hurt ourselves while in the room he puts this liquid on our cuts then puts a bandage over it.

I look down at my hands which are still wrapped in bandages and have a little blood on them. I crawl over to Tessa and Coral who is playing with their toys. There are barely any toys here at this house for me and the others to play with.

The door opens and Coral snaps her head over to the door, I also look over at the door to see the woman. Coral growls at the woman and I put my hand on her shoulder. Everyday almost every hour Coral has been locked in a room for her actions and I can't really blame her for being mad at the woman.

Tessa is yet to be locked in the room but if she does get locked in the room me and Coral are gonna be very very very mad because she has done nothing wrong to be locked in a room.

"Good morning dears" 

We all say nothing.

"Don't worry I am not here for you two"

The woman looks at me and Coral. She walks past us and up to Tessa.

"Did you sneak into the kitchen and have some food?"

Tessa nods.

"Tessa you know your not aloud any Candy after you have been told not to have any more"

Tessa shrugs.

"I don't understand you"

Tessa looks at the ground then back up at the woman.


"Shw cwn't spwwk" Coral says 

"Lier, if you two can speak then she can speak" 

Tessa shakes her head no and the woman grabs her bear and takes it off her. 

"I am going to take this bear for a while until you learn your lesson"

Tessa starts to cry and try's to grab the bear off the woman.

"Excuse me, I said you can't have it"

Tessa still try's to grab her bear which makes the woman pick her up and walk to the room she locked me and Coral in many times. Me and Coral crawl as fast as we can over to the room. The woman walks out and locks the door.

Me and Coral hear banging on the door and loud crying.

"Hwy! Thwts nwt fwr!" Coral yells "Shws a slww lwawnwr so lwavw hwr bw!"

"You don't tell me what to do"

Me and Coral both feel anger rise in us. Phil walks over to us.

"What's going on here" Phil asks

"Shw lwckwd Twssa away fwr swmwthing shw can't hwlp!" Coral yells

"Sh sh sh okay okay hold on" Phil says. The woman walks away and Phil runs after her.

Me and Coral crawl over to the door. 

"It's okwy Twssw wvwrythwng wwll bw okwy ww wwll gwt ywu wwt" I say

"Scawwd" Tessa says 

"Ywah ww knww we wwll gwt ywu out" Coral says. I start hitting the door over and over again.

Coral joins in on hitting the door with me. Tessa joins in as well which is not going to be good on her hands or any part of her body knowing how hurt she can get over something every easy.

But we are not giving up until we get Tessa out.

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