Chapter 101: You did what?!

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(Dreams pov)

I woke up later then anyone else which is very bad for me.

"Hey Clay hon wake up" 

I open my eyes and look up to see George who looks very worried for me. 

"Clay ever since we got home from that party nights ago you have been going to bed so late then waking up late as well, can you tell me what's wrong" George says. The truth is that I am upset about how Mason brought up how I tried to kill myself.

"George I should have told you this before hand but when I was in high school I may have kinda tried to kill myself because of the bullying and how it was getting to much for me and I couldn't handle anyone hating me anymore" I mumble. I watch as George's eyes widen.

"You did what?!" George half yells

"Please don't yell" I say

"That's it, the next time I see Mason I am going to kill him" George says 

"I knew you were gonna say that" I say 

"Thank you for telling me that must have taken a long time to do" George says 

"Yeah I guess" I say

"You guess?" George says 

"I just, I don't know" I say

"Well I am going out" George says "I will be back soon enough"

"Try not to kill anyone" I say

"I make no promises" George says. I watch as George leaves.

God I hope nothing goes wrong.


(Georges pov)

I walk into the supermarket to get some food for the house since we have no food.

I was walking around and look at the may things and that's when I saw him, Mason, I saw him through a space on the shelves.

"Mason" I say with anger in my voice. Mason looks through the shelves and he looks at me.

"Uh hi" Mason says. I start walking to get to the other aisle. 

I turn the corner and Mason was gone.

"Your not getting very far away from me boy, this will be the last time you see the day" I mumble. I walk around the shops to find Mason but he was no where to be found, he slipped away but next time I won't let him go.

I grab all the things we need then walk to the check out and pay for everything then leave the shops. I put everything in the car then get in the car, it was a fail I can't believe he ran away like that so easily I need to be more on guard and learn more about him.

But that doesn't matter at the moment I need to get home to the girls and Dream, I am worried that he saw Mason that he might try to kill himself again. I don't think he would but you never can be to sure.

I start driving home and that's when I see him again. I pull over and get out of the car. I lock the door and Mason looks behind him and at me. Mason runs into a Mall which is kinda good for m anyways I have to do the Christmas shopping.

I run after Mason, this shit is gonna go down.

Hey guys this chapter and the next was recommend to me by EDEN1234xxx

I am open to recommendations for chapters if anyone wants to see something happen anyways have a good day or night.

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