Chapter 130: Tessa to the rescue

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(Tessa's pov)


The words made me jump which makes mama look at me.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Mama asks

"Pwpw swrww" I say

"You must have super hearing like your father" Mama says "Okay I have a plan, I want you to go see what's happing downstairs then come back up here and tell me what's going on"

I nod. George opens the door and I crawl out of the room and downstairs. I look into the kitchen to see something I didn't want to ever see, something that was making me angry, Luca was hurting papa! He's making papa bleed!.

Forget about going back I need to do something. I feel the anger rise up inside of my little body. I stand up and start running over to Luca and I jump on him. I start ripping out his hair and biting him, I punch him and using his hair I pull him into a wall.

Mama, Willow and Coral walk down the stairs while papa was watching me.

"Nwbwdy hwrts pwpwp!'" I yell. I bite and punch until Luca's legs gives up and he falls to the ground.

I get off Luca and stand up. I kick Luca in the stomach then the balls. I walk over to papa and give him a hug, papa hugs me back. I pull away to see fear in papa's eyes and he seems to be frozen up but can move just a bit.

Mama walks over to Luca and kicks him in the stomach like I did.

"You just got your ass beat by a baby" Mama says. Mama picks Luca up.

"I think the police would like to meet you Luca after all it seems you started hurting Clay when he was like 13 so that's not good plus breaking and entering plus beating up my husband, this is not a good day for you is it?" Mama says

"I hate you all" Luca says

"Aw your saying that to Clay as well, I guess that means your not coming back" Mama says 

"Please, I'll come back for you cutie, I promise!" Luca says

"Ywwr nwvwr cwmwng bwck" I say

"And what are you gonna do little one? Next time I'll be ready for you" Luca says

"Yww wwwld nwvwr bw rwwdy fwr mw" I say

"You wanna bet little mouse" Luca says. Anger rises again and I attack Luca again.

Mama pulls me off Luca and puts me down next to papa again. Later on some guys in blue take Luca away. I look at papa who is still frozen. I shake papa who is still frozen up. Mama walks over to us and looks at the parts papa was bleeding.

"You girls go do things I'll be in the lounge room with your father" Mama says. We all nod and walk away but me? I make papa a nice cup of tea.

I walk into the lounge room to see mama bandaging papa up. I put the mug down on the table which makes mama look at me.

"Thank you sweetie" Mama says. I smile then giggle.

Mama kisses me on the forehead.

I leave the room and crawl upstairs to play with Willow and Coral. 

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