Chapter 167: But I was meant to do it

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(Dreams pov)

I kept streaming for a couple more minutes like I said I would.

My arm started to hurt which is sending a lot of pain through my body. I shake the pain away and smile at the camera.

"Well I have to go now chat I will see you guys soon in the near future maybe who knows" I say. I watch as chat fly's by with goodbyes and good lucks.

I end the stream and shut down the computer. I stand up and leave my office shutting the door behind me. I walk downstairs to see that dinner was already made and sitting at the table with everyone else.

I start to feel bad that I didn't make dinner and George had to make it. I go to my chair and sit down in it. The girls run out of the lounge room and sit in their seats as well followed by George. I carefully place my broken arm and wrist on the table.

George holds my other hand.

"I wanted to cook tonight" I whisper

"Clay you can't cook dinner, don't worry it's fine I don't mind cooking" George whispers 

"But I was meant to do it and I do mind" I whisper 

"I am not that bad at cooking" George whispers

"Eh" I whisper. George rolls his eyes and looks at me with a sad face.

"I am sorry sweetie don't be upset" I whisper

"Calm down Clay I am not actually sad, oh my god your such a simp" George whispers

"Shut up" I whisper

"Your only saying that because I am right" George whispers 

"No no no your the simp" I whisper

"Like hell" George whispers

"Shut up and eat" I whisper

"How about you?" George whispers

"How about you?" I whisper

"God your so hot" George whispers

"Please not at the dinner table and not while the girls are here" I whisper

"Right sorry" George whispers "But you also can't have elbows on the table as well"

"Okay that one is unfair" I whisper "I have a reason for my arm being on the table and you know why"

"Yes I know, I am just joking baby" George whispers. George kisses me on the lips then pulls away.

I blink a few times and look down at the dinner. I start eating the dinner which is okay. I look at the girls who are having trouble eating.

"What's wrong girls?" I ask. Coral looks at me.

"Ww miss your cooking" Coral says. I look at George who smiles.

"Don't worry I am not upset with that, I ready know that I suck at cooking" George says "And to be fair this dinner is shit, I was trying something new"

"Well I should get cooking then" I say

"Nope , your not cooking just yet or not at all" George says "I wish to talk about it first"

"Okay then what are we gonna have then?" I ask

"Pizza" George says 

"Okay fine" I say. I stand up and take the dishes and walk over to the sink. 

I put the food on the plate in the ben then put everything in the dishwasher. The girls get out of the chair and run over to me.

"Ww want to hwlp!" Willow says 

"No no blob you don't need to help me" I say "I can do it myself"

"Finw" Coral says. Coral walks away followed by Willow then Tessa.

I look at George who is on his phone ordering pizza for us. I let out a sigh and turn the dishwasher on. I walk away and into the lounge room. I sit down on the lounge and George sits down next to me.

Once George finished ordering he puts his phone down and cuddles close to me.

"I love you" I say 

"I love you more" George says 

"I love you most" I say

"Ha no I love you way more lets face it" George says 

"Ha you wish" I say. I kiss George on the cheek and he smiles brightly.

"Can I pick a movie to watch?" George says 

"Sure so ahead" I say. I hand George the remote and he picks a movie.

George puts his head on my shoulder and I put my head on his head, we watch the movie with the girls who are laying on the floor colouring.

Hey guys hows it going? I am feeling great today are you? I am in a talking mood so there maybe some long chapters so heads up :P

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