Chapter 114: Memories

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(Dreams pov)

I was sitting down on the lounge watching the TV which is finally my turn  for the TV I like never get the remote for the TV it's only my mom who gets the TV.

Mom makes her way into the lounge room and looks at the TV then back at me.

"What the fuck is this shit?" Mom says 

"Well it's my turn for the TV" I say

"The fuck it's not" Mom says 

"It is, look at the TV board that we make this week" I say. Mom leaves lounge room then walks back in moment's later.

"I don't care about what the board says give me the fucking remote now" Mom says 

"But it's my turn" I say 

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK GIVE ME THE REMOTE NOW" Mom yells. I sink down on the lounge and hold the remote tightly.

My mom grabs the remote and pulls it from my hand. I get thrown onto the ground and I land on my arm pretty hard. I scream in pain but no one helps me. I can feel that I got a cut on my leg which feels very deep.

I close my eyes and I feel tears run down my face the pain was un-real.

I wake up and sit up, I was sweating and crying.

I look around the room which was dark. I look down at my clock to see it was only 2:23am. I wipe my face and get out of bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I take out a glass and put it on the counter.

I then fill the glass up with cold water and drink it. 


I drop the glass in the sink but thank god it didn't break. I look over at the stairs to see Coral standing there looking at me. 

"Sweetie, what are you doing up?" I ask

"I cowld awk you thw samw" Coral says

"I just needed a glass of water" I say

"That's a liw, what happwnwd?" Coral asks

"Just my PTSD that's all, I just needed a glass of water" I say. Coral walks over to me and hugs my leg.

"What are-"

"Mum says that giving you love will help with your PTSD" Coral says. I couldn't help but break down crying.

I sit on the ground and pull Coral closer to me. I sniffle and pull away from Coral and Coral looks at me.

"I am nwt much wf a huggwr bwt you arw thw only onw and mum who can hug mw" Coral says 

"Thanks sweetie" I say while giggling a little. Coral smiles and she stands up.

"Comw on dad lwts go to bwd" Coral says. I stand up pick Coral up. 

I walk upstairs and fall into the rail. Coral looks at me and gives me a little kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry dad I am rwght hwrw" Coral says. I walk up the stairs and walk into the spare bedroom.

I place Coral on the bed and I lay down on the bed. Coral snuggles up to me and I cuddle her. 

We both end up falling asleep.

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