Chapter 6: Tablets

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(Georges pov)

It has now been like 4 days after Wilbur and Phil come over and saw my stomach pain.

I wake up feeling very sick. I run to the bathroom  and sit in front of the toilet. I throw up in the toilet. After I finished I stand up and flash the toilet. I walk over to the sink and use the mouth wash to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth.

I walk back over to my bed and lay down on my side. I know I should go to the doctor but I hate going to the doctors so much. I hold my stomach and start crying. I wish Dream was still here, I always go to Dream when I am upset or something is wrong but I can't.

I grab my phone. I let out a sigh and call a doctors place. I get a doctors appointment for 2 days away. Everyone was getting worried for me because I haven't talked to anyone on call or text. I put my phone down. I hear a notification from my phone.

I pick my phone back up to see a discord message from Sapnap. I open my phone. 

Hey George are you okay? You haven't talked to us in a long time

I am really not okay what so ever, I had to book a doctors appointment

George what the hell is wrong?!

I don't know but I keep vomiting and having headaches and really bad stomach pains, look I gtg I need to take some tablets 

I put my phone down and stand up. I walk to the kitchen and pull out some headache tablets. I walk back to my room with the bottle of tablets and some water. I sit on the bed and take 2 tablets out of the bottel.

I take them then put the water bottle and tablets on the bedside table. I might just have some really bad sickness well at least that's what I want it to be I mean what else could it be. I let out a long sigh and lay back down on the bed.

I lay on my side and hold my stomach, maybe it was something that I ate when I was at Dream's place. I shake my head and groan loudly. I put my hand on my head and sigh. My headache was going down which was good.

I couldn't wait until the appointment then I can finally know what's going on with me but what ever is going on with me I hate it so much and I just hope it doesn't get worse and worse and worse I have no idea what I would do if it gets worse.

I close my eye's trying to clear my mind but nothing works. I couldn't stop thinking that something bad is going on with me, is it something to do with my past? Was I hungry? Was I scared. I close my eyes and shake my head.

What ever it is I want it gone like right now.

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