Chapter 74: Buying the outfits

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(Georges pov)

I took the girls back home many because me, Niki, Tubbo, Ranboo and Aimsey are going to get our wedding outfits.

Niki, Tubbo, Ranboo and Aimsey are going to be my bridesmaid?? I honesty don't know to be far, I am a mother to the kids yet I am a male so am I meant to wear a dress or not I am like so confused to what is going on.

"So George are you gonna wear a suit or a dress?" Ranboo asks

"I don't know because like I am a mother but I am a male" I say

"How about we try the dresses first to see how you like them then if you don't like the dresses then we will try the suits" Tubbo says

"Sounds like a plan" I say. We walk over to the dresses and I look at them.

I play with my fingers and Ranboo puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to try it on remember you just have to say so and you don't have to wear it" Ranboo says 

"No no I want t try them on it's just that" I say

"Different?" Aimsey says

"Yeah, it's gonna be very different to what I am used to" I say

"It's good to try something new and I bet you that Dream might have worn a dress before or even a skirt" Tubbo says. I look over to see Niki trying to find a dress for me.

I let out a sigh and walk over to the dresses and look through them.

"Do you need any help dear?"

Me and the other jump and we turn around. It was a store lady.

"Yeah I am just looking for a dress-" Niki says

"Oh wonderful this one is the best wedding dress here" 

"Oh no it's not for me" Niki says. The lady looks at her.

"Not for you? But who is it for then?"

"Its for my friend who is behind you" Niki says. The lady turns around and looks at me.

"Oh my god" 

"Hi" I say

"This is wonderful our first male wanting a dress oh how I was waiting for this moment"

"You were?" I ask

"Yes! I have some dress's that I think would look lovely on males and I want you to look at them and try them on, I picked them out myself now come on lets go!"

The lady grabs my arm and pulls me along to the change rooms. The others follow us and the lady grabs out many white dresses.

"Okay okay try this one on"

She hands me a dress and I take it. I go into the change room and try it on. The dress was very long at the bottom and there were gems on the top of the lace. I look in the mirror then look away. I don't like it at all. I take it off and hand it back to the lady. The lady gives me another dress and I try it on.

I like this one. It has gems near the chest area and the rest is pure white and the lace is nice and white, it's nice and I really like it. I walk out of the changing room and everyone looks at me and smiles.

"I am taking it" I say

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