Chapter 128: Pool time (part 2)

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(Dreams pov)

I look over at George who is on my phone and I let out a sigh.

It must be Luca again. I look at the girls then get out of the pool. I walk over to grab my towel, I walk over to George and put my towel on the ground then I sit on it. George looks at me then at the girls in the pool.

"Are you crazy?! Leaving the girls alone in the pool" George says

"I want you to go in the pool with them" I say

"Why me?!" George says

"Because you need to spend time with the girls as well" I say "I'll do the floaties you go play with them in the pool"

George looks at the pool then back at me.

"Nothing bad will happen" I say

"How can you be sure?" George asks

"I am not but your just gonna have to have faith and trust" I say. George lets out a sigh then stands up.

I take my phone off him and he walks over to the pool and gets in the water. I look down at my phone to see it was Luca texting. I unlocked my phone and go into the messages.

Please cutie I just wanna talk with you

Okay Luca that's enough I've had enough of you, I texted you thinking we could be friends again but it seems I was very wrong, I am blocking your number and I don't want you to contact me on anything anymore

You don't want to do this Clay, don't make me do what I had to do with you before when you said you would block me 

And just like that I drop my phone and start to get horrible memories flood my mind. I start panicking which makes George get out of the pool and run over to me. I lay on the towel as I can't breathe.

George puts his hand on my back and starts rubbing it.

"Hey hey! Come on stop panicking what's wrong?!" George says. I slowly close my eyes and pass out.


I wake up laying down on the lounge.

I look next to me to see a table which a note and a mug on the table. I pick up the note and read it.


mwdw ywu swmw tww 

I smile lightly and put the note down. I pick up the mug and take a sip of the nice fresh tea. I hear footsteps come close which makes me look over at the lounge room door, I see Coral standing in the doorway.

I put the mug down and Coral runs over to me and jumps on the lounge. I sit up and hug Coral who hugs me tightly.

"Don't wvwr scarw likw us likw that wvwr again" Coral says

"Aw I am sorry that I scared you" I say. Coral pulls away from me and I pull away from her.

"Mum says that onw of your friwnds arw hwrw and hw dows not look happy" Coral says

"My friend? I didn't invite anyone over" I say. George walks into the lounge room.

I look up at the door and my eyes fill with fear.

"Why hello cutie long time no see"

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