Chapter 152: Hospital time

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(Dreams pov)

I wasn't really cooking lunch I was looking at my wrist.

Georges hugs me from behind which makes me jump a bit.

"You okay?" George asks

"Coral ran into my wrist" I say. George moves in front of me and he carefully looks at my wrist and holds it.

"We are going to have to go to the hospital tomorrow" George says

"Okay" I say "I am going to go to our room, make sure to cook lunch for the girls"

"Okay" George says. I walk upstairs and walk into mine and George's room.

I lay down on the bed and start crying. I grab my pillow and scream into it, I am in a world of pain but I dont want anyone to know or worry about me that was until the door opens and Ranboo walks in.

I move the pillow down and Ranboo looks at me. Ranboo looks at my wrist.

"You need to go to the hospital, that looks like a very unhealthy break" Ranboo says "How did you even break it?"

"I dont remember to be fair" I say

"I'll go get George, he can take you to the hospital" Randoo says

"Okay" I say. Randoo leaves the room.

I look at my wrist. George runs into the room and looks at me.

"Come on lets get to the hospital now" George says. I get off the bed.

Me and George walk downstairs which makes everyone look at us.

"I am taking Clay to the hospital" George says "Look after the girls for us please oh and make sure nothing happens to her right arm its still healing" 

"Dont worry George we will make sure eveything is okay we are adults" Jack says

"Maybe we should take the girls" George says. I feel more pain shot through my body which makes me scream in my mouth.

"Please just pick one!" I say. George grabs my right hand.

"Lets go" George says. Me and George walk out to the car and we both get in.

I put my seatbelt on and George does the same. George starts driving. I pick my phone up and play some music through the car but only softly.

I may be in really really bad pain but I still wish to listen to music in the car like who doesn't really. George looks at me then looks back at the road.

"Really? Your in bad pain and have a very unhealthy broken left wrist but yet you still play music in the car" George says

"Music helps me calm down" I say

"You are very different" George says while giggling a little.

"Please I know I am hot and different" I say "But I am still in pain so please pick up the speed"

"I am not speeding Clay otherwise I would be breaking the law" George says

"Okay okay" I say. Me and George sit in silence listening to the music until George breaks it.

"I wanna go back to Britain" George says

"Huh?" I say

"Not like a move move but like for 4 weeks maybe? I wanna see my family and maybe I don't know, buy a house there so we can go every now and then" George says

"Yeah sure" I say

"Wait really?!" George says

"Yes really, it would be good for the girls to see your home town after all Coral is British and Tessa is half British" I say

"Thank you" George says

"Its no problem really" I say. I scream a little as pain goes through my body.

"Dont worry we are almost there" George says

Happy family

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