Chapter 96: Week later

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(Georges pov)

I am not sure why but for some reason Dream has been acting very different, he has been pushing me and the girls away.

I am not aloud in our room and every time I go in there Dream just looks away from me like I am not here anymore, we haven't been sleeping in the same room at the moment as well which is one of the worst part about this.

I was downstairs making breakfast for everyone well just me for and the girls. Dream has been putting off food. I do give him food he just doesn't really eat it sure he will take small bites but that's about it.

The girls have been worried for him as well. I look at Willow who is staring at the stairs, Coral who is also staring at the stairs and Tessa who is looking at a mug.

"Your father is not going to come down girls" I say. Willow and Coral both look down then look at me.

"I am not sure what's going on with your father" I say "But I can go see if you girls like"

Willow and Coral both nod. I quickly give the girls their breakfast then I get some on a plate. I walk upstairs and knock on the bedroom door.

"Come on Clay please? I bought you some breakfast" I say. It takes Dream a few minutes to answer.

"Unlocked" Dream says. I open the door and walk in.

I shut the door behind me and look at Dream who is laying down in the bed. I walk over to his side of the bed and put the plate on his bedside table. I look down at Dream who looks like he is asleep.

"The girls have been worried for you, they want to see you and for you to play with them" I say "Can you please just tell me what's going on? Please you know you can trust me with anything and we are met to tell each other things we make a promise"

Dream doesn't say anything.

"Why do I even try" I say. I go to leave the room.

"It's almost time" Dream says. I hear him start to cry.

I turn around to face Dream.

"They are coming back" Dream says 

"Who's coming back?" I ask

"It's a school thing that we have on where we all get back together and see each other over all the years" Dream says 

"That sounds like fun-"

"No!" Dream yells. I close my mouth and decide to let Dream talk.

"Everyone hates me, my school years were the worst years of my life this is given me bad memories and and I am going back to my past, I did this and I don't want to be like this anymore but I can't stop the horrible memories" Dream says 

"What happened?" I ask

"They make me bleed and bleed and bleed and no one in my family bandage me, I was all most bleeding all the time, I was so close to death and it's horrible and it scares me knowing that I could go back to what I was before" Dream says 

"So your crying because your scared?" I ask

"And other things but that is the main one, and I am scared and afraid George" Dream says

"Why are you afraid?" I ask 

"They always said that if I ever meet someone in my life that loves me they will take them away from me" Dream says

"Your afraid of losing me" I say "Clay no one is going to take me away from you"

I sit Dream up and hug him tightly.

"Everything is gonna be okay, me and the girls are gonna be by your side the whole time I promise" I say

"Thank you for understanding" Dream says 

"I am your husband, it's my job" I say "Now eat some breakfast then come downstairs, the girls are waiting for you"

"Okay, I'll be down once I finished this food and when I get changed" Dream says. I pull away from the hug and smile.

"You do that" I say. I stand up and leave the room shutting the door behind me.

I sigh then walk downstairs back to the girls.

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