Chapter 30: Waiting now

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(Dreams pov)

I was finally done.

Everything was done no more going out for a long time buying stuff because it was all done, I even did the shopping so know that's done as well. I was sitting on my lounge watching TV. I pull out my phone and go onto Twitter.

Baby room and the kids future rooms are done, fly on down to me George and we will live in this house for a long time

You did all of that?! And you even set up my office and room my god Dream have you even sat down?

I also did the shopping as well but yeah I am sitting down right now waiting for you to get on a plane and fly your ass down to me 

Okay okay I am booking a plane now just calm down

Did you make sure the doctor was okay that the kids are now going to live in the USA?

Yeah and actually the doctor said he was going to move to Florida as some time and now he is because he has a reason to do so

Yay that means that you-

I can get on a private plane which leaves tomorrow

Yes! That means I can see my daughters again

They miss you a lot

Has Coral ever stared into your soul like she does to me

Coral doesn't stare into your soul, she barely even opens her eyes, she's a sweet little girl 

Wow, I guess that she only does it to me our little thing that's what it is, our little thing

I gtg Willow and Coral are crying

Stay safe and be careful with Tessa

Yes I know, stay safe yourself Clay, I love you

I love you too

I leave the app and put my phone down on the lounge. I hum lightly and close my eyes. Finally maybe I could finally get some sleep after a very long few days that was until my phone goes off with a notification sound from discord.

I open my eyes and pick up my phone. I unlock my phone and click on discord. I had gotten a message from my new friend I met on the plane.

Hey Dream it's me! Your friend from the plane that you met a few days ago, sorry I haven't talked I have been very busy and I just found out you have been too so win win really but now I am not busy and you aren't as well so yeah

It's okay we have all been very busy and we can't help but be busy but that doesn't matter, anyways how have you been?

I wish I was better but I am just so lonely and being single sucks 

Been there done that

Anyways how have you been?

I have been amazing and I can't wait to see my kids again and my boyfriend!

I am happy if your happy, so when is the next video or stream coming out? Even better what about the next man hunt!

I gtg, I wanna sleep before the kids come and I can't sleep

We say goodbye and I put my phone down.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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