Chapter 100: Home time for bed time

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(Dreams pov)

After a bit of partying I decide that it was now time to head home so the girls can sleep.

I walk over to George who was talking with a few of my old classmates. 

"Hey honey I think we should go home now, the girls need their sleep for tomorrow" I say

"Hey look who it is"

I look up to see Leo and Carter.

"Oh Leo, Carter long time huh" I say

"It has been" Leo says 

"Wait are you guy's dating?" I ask

"Yeah" Carter says 

"So I was right! I knew you two would be the perfect ones to be together"  I say

"You did say that to me" Leo says 

"I did too" I say

"And this is" Carter says 

"My husband George" I say

"Wow husband" Carter says 

"Yeah" I say

"You know I always thought you were gonna be single for life" Leo says 

"Well Me and George are here like this because of our girls" I say

"Adopted?" Carter asks

"No no I am a male that can get pregnant" George says

"Oh so you guy's did the naughty" Leo says 

"Yeah" I say

"3 at once" George says 

"Yeah" I say

"Alright well you guy's better get home so your kids can get a good nights sleep" Carter says

"Thank you" I say. Me and George walk over to the girls and take them out to the car.

"Leaving already?"

I close my eyes and hope that it's not the person that I think it is. I turn around and yep it was the person I thought it was.

"Sofia, hey how have you been" I say

"Better that I can see you hot stuff" Sofia says "I must say, you have changed Clay like a lot, I like it"

"Well I better get going you know, it's late and I wanna get home" I say

"Alright, stay in contact hot stuff" Sofia says

"Yeah" Sofia walks back inside "In your fucking dreams"

I hear George start to laugh as I get in the car. I drive home which is a nice and calm drive. When we got home I get the girls out of the car and put them inside. After I locked the car door I lock the house door behind me as well.

I put the girls to bed and I walk into the kitchen.

"Wow that was crazy" George says 

"Yeah my year wasn't the best year in school" I say 

"I think I can tell" George says 

"Yeah" I say 

"But those people I were talking to seem nice enough" George says 

"Yeah they seem like that but when we were in school they used to hit me a lot and make fun of my name" I say "I don't know why but everyone used to make fun of my name"

"That's because they didn't know the perfect name is and I now know that it's Clayton" George says 

"Your just saying that to make me feel better about my name" I say

"I am not" George says. George smiles at me and I smile back.

"I am going to bed now" George says 

"Sleep well I maybe be up just a bit longer" I say

"Okay don't stay up to late" George says. I watch as George walks upstairs leaving me alone with my thoughts.

That sure was a long night.

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