Chapter 111: Holding him

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up when the car stops really fast.

I look around to see I was in the back back with George holding me tightly.

"You got him?" Mr bear says 

"Yes yes I am holding him" George says 

"Don't worry Dream we are talking the girls for some food then we are going home" Mr bear says

"You drive like a idoit" George says 

"I do not, leave my driving alone, you drive like a idoit" Mr bear says 

"Eyes on the road so we don't crash" George says 

"I have my eyes on the road" Mr bear says. I look up at George who looks down at me.

"Don't worry we will be home soon I promise and when we do get home I am going to book you into the doctors so we can see what's going on" George says. I move my hand but it falls back down.

"I am fine" I say. I was slurring my words just a bit but not to much.

"No your not Clay, you never pass out and fall sick like this in front of the girls you would wait until you get home" George says "Something is wrong and I know something is wrong and you can't push it away"

I look around the back seat but most of my eye sight is very blurry. I could make out a little face looking over the seat and at me, It was Willow. I look at Willow and she looks at me.

"I am okay blob, I am just fine" I say. George looks up then down at me.

"Nw ywur nwt Daddy, Juwt twll mw whwt's wrwng" Willow says 

"Don't worry about it blob I am just fine just a little tired" I say

"Stop lywng" Coral says 

"I am sorry girls but trust me I will be okay" I say. Willow nods and sits back down in her car seat.

Mr bear pulls into McDonald's drive thru and I look away from the bright lights. I just realized that some how it was night now but it was day when I passed out so how long have I been out for.

"Does Dream want anything?" Mr bear says 

"Just get him some nuggets and chips and we will see if he eats them" George says 

"Okay" Mr bear says. Mr bear drives down to the paying area and George leans over and hands Mr bear the card.

Mr bear takes the card then pays for the food and then hands it back. George puts his card back in his wallet then turns to me. Mr bear drives down the pick up the food which he does. He hands the nuggets and chips down to George.

Mr bear starts driving away and to the house which is pretty far away. George opens the nuggets and puts one near my lips.

"Come on Clay you need to eat come on" George says "Please for me?"

My stomach is fighting against me so I shake my head because I don't wish to throw the food back up. George lets out a sigh then eats the nugget.

I close my eyes and fall back asleep.

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