Chapter 166: am I in trouble?

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(Dreams pov)

"Pssst Clay wake up"

Someone moves my shoulder a bit which makes me move just a bit. I must have fallen asleep which is different for me. I open my eyes to see George standing over me, I look to my left to see Willow is cuddling up to me and on my right Coral is cuddling up to me with Tessa right beside her.

I look around to see we were on the lounge in the lounge room. I look up at George and yawn.

"Okay sweetie don't worry I am getting up" I say. George shakes his head and looks away.

I slowly get up and put a pillow down so Willow and Corals head can rest on it, I also throw a blanket over them as well. George walks out of the lounge room and I follow behind him, we end up in the kitchen.

"So what's up?" I ask

"We need to talk about you streaming and playing video games with out talking to me first like I asked you to" George says

"I am sorry babe" I say "I was just so upset that I did something I would normally do when I was upset and that was to make other people happy"

George couldn't help but give me a soft smile. George try's to make a straight face again but is unable to.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask

"No" George says "It's hard for me to stay mad at you for long otherwise I think I might break down or something but next time just make sure to talk with me first and...Tell me more things okay? We still need to work on that"

"Your right, I am sorry for not talking to you to see if it's okay to play video games and for not telling you that I stream when I am sad and it makes me happy knowing I make other people happy" I say

"Aw Clay you have nothing to be sorry for you big softly" George says 

"I am not soft!" I say

"You are" George says. I garb George and slam him against the wall but not to hard.

George starts blushing very hard and bad.

"" I say

"Y-yep" George says trying to get the words out of his mouth. I rise a eyebrow.

"What's wrong sweetie? Do you not like this?" I say

"Oh my god Clay stop" George says. George was very red.

"But isn't this want you want honey?" I say "I am just trying to be that better husband I said I would be"

George looks up at me with a half sad and worried face.

"You still think your a horrible husband?" George asks. I stand there and say nothing.

"Clay your not a horrible husband" George says

"I am" I say. I move away from George.

"I am gonna go finish up my stream then make you some dinner" I say

"Clay you can't make dinner with your ar-"

"Don't finish that, I WILL make you dinner" I say "That's what a good husband does so I'll be a few more minutes because I wish to keep playing for a bit until I get to a good part to end so dinner maybe late"

I kiss George on the lips for a few seconds then I pull away and walk upstairs. I walk into my office and sit down in my chair to see that chat is happy to see me. I carefully put my arm on the table and I look up at the screen.

"Yes I am back now guys I don't know how long it was" I say. I look at chat and they say about a hour.

"I fell asleep on the lounge with the girls and George had to wake me up" I say "But now I am going to play for a few minutes then I have to leave and cook dinner"

I look at chat who is now worried that I am going to cook dinner with a really bad broken wrist and arm.

"Don't worry guy's I will be fine I promise" I say "I want to cook dinner"

Chat seems very against it.

"Chat I promise everything will be okay" I say "I am not gonna be dumb and use my left wrist and arm to cook I will only use my right arm"

Chat seems to be still worried but is calm down a bit.

"See now you get it chat" I say "Everything will be fine now lets play some Minecraft"

Chat is now happy. 

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