Chapter 54: Another first word

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(Dreams pov)

I was cooking dinner in the kitchen and I have Coral downstairs with me while George is streaming and the other girls are asleep.

"Mwmw" Coral says. I look at where Coral should be and she is gone.

I look down to see Coral holding onto my leg. I giggle lightly.

"I am not mama I am daddy, I am your father not your mother" I say laughing a little. Coral looks up at me.

"Ohhhh you want to go to mama?" I say. Coral nods just a little bit.

I pick Coral up and walk upstairs to George's office. I open the door and listen in on what he is saying.

"The kids? Oh the girls are doing great, Willow said her first word yesterday and I am sad that it wasn't mama or mum, she said Daddy" George says. I smile a little.

"How's Dream? He's doing okay, the other day he had a surgery on his stomach to fix his stomach because something was stopping him from eating, it's his first day home today and Tessa has already rolled on his stomach a few times" George says "Me and Dream in otherwise are very good we are doing great well that's what I think and I think that's what Dream thinks as well, well I hope that's what he thinks I mean if he didn't think everything was okay he would tell me"

I walk into the room.

"That's right I would tell you" I say. George jumps which makes me laugh a little.

I put Coral down and she crawls over to George. George picks Coral up and puts her on his lap.

"Coral said her first word" I say

"When?!" George says

"While I was cooking" I say 

"What was her first word?" George asks

"Mwmw" Coral says 

"Was that her first word?!" George asks

"It was, her first word is mama" I say

"Yes!" George says "I can't wait until Tessa says her first word, I know it will be mum" 

"Nah it's not gonna be mom, it's gonna be daddy" I say

"Fuck off you had Willow say 'daddy' so I want Tessa to say mum" George says

"You have Coral, she said mom" I say "Also don't swear in front of Coral you should know that George"

"Clay, is everything about us okay?" George asks

"Of course if not I would have told you by now" I say. George smiles.

"Thanks Clay" George says

"No problem sweetie" I say

"Why did you come up here?" George asks

"Coral wanted you so I brought her to you, now I have to get back to cooking you some dinner" I say "Love you"

"I- n-no never mind" George says. I walk over to the door and walk out shutting the door behind me.

"I LOVE YOU TOO" George yells. I laugh a little then walk downstairs into the kitchen.

I open the fridge and pull out a bottle of Chocolate milk. I put it on the counter and look at the food. I let out a sigh and smile. It feels good to be home but something is not right about George but I don't know what.

I shake the thought away and go back to cooking.

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