Chapter 61: Lies!

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(Dreams pov)

George walks into the lounge room and I look at him

"George! thank god your home! Your mom has been horrible, she called me ugly and that I should leave and never come back" I say

"My mother would never say that" George says

"But she did George she did!" I say

"Mum called me while I was shopping for food and she said that you might tell some lies about her" George says

"George I am not lying I swear!" I say

"Lies!" George says "You are lying! My mother is a kind woman and she would never say that, I can't believe you are lying to me, I thought we said no lying and not telling each other things after you had that surgery"

"George...I would never lie to you ever" I say "Are you really believing your mom instead of your boyfriend?"

"She's my mother" George says

"And I am your boyfriend! Don't you see George! This is what she wants! Us to fight! Me to leave you and the girls" I say. I start crying which makes George back down a bit.

"I am sorry Clay but I just can't with your lies" George says. George leaves the lounge room and I roll onto the floor.

I stand up which hurts my back but I couldn't careless. I walk out of the lounge room and over to my keys. I pick up my keys and wallet.

"Where are you going?" George asks. I look at George who looks at me.

"You can't go! If you go and drive you might crash because your crying! I can't lose you!" George says

"You already have" I say "Believing your mother over the over of your life hurts George" 

"Clay...please don't go" George says. I walk over to the door.

"I believe you! I do!" George says. I look at the door.

"Lies..." I say. I open the door and walk out.

George runs after me.

"CLAY PLEASE I AM NOT LYING" George yells. I look at George.

"Do you understand! Do you understand what I have gone through in my life! I have been pushed away and thrown away like I was nothing!" I yell

"Clay please you have to understand that-"

"WHAT GEORGE, UNDERSTAND WHAT, WHAT DON'T I UNDERSTAND" I yell. George looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"Good bye George, I'll see you later...maybe" I say. I walk over to the car door.

"CLAY WAIT" George yells. I suddenly get a huge headache.

My ears start ringing and I fall backwards to the ground. George catches me and I pass out.

(George's pov)

I catch Dream as he falls over.

"CLAY!" I yell. Dream was out cold.

I drag Dream inside and shut the door behind me. I pick Dream up and carry him to his bedroom. I put Dream on the bed and take his keys and wallet. I put his keys and wallet on the side table. I crawl into the bed and shake Dream.

"Come on Clay wake up please! I don't want to lose you!" I say. Tears fall onto Dream's clothes.

I put my head on Dream's chest which was nice and warm.

I close my eyes and fall asleep. 

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