Chapter 28: Painting

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(Dreams pov)

I put all the boxes in the room which is going to be the baby's room.

My house is huge meaning we can leave in this house for a while well our whole life. I decide that I should also make the girls own rooms while I am at it today so I don't have to do it later but today I am going to go buy paint for every room.

I unhook the trailer from the car and leave it. I get in the car once I locked the house up. I drive over to the paint shop that has every type of paint you could ever want. I park in the parking area and pull my hood of my hoodie over my head.

I get out of the car and shut the door behind me. I lock the car and walk into the shop. I walk to the house painting aisle and look at the colors. I pick up a blue paint and put it in the trolley that I totally had the whole time..

I pick up a yellow one, a purple blue one then a light blue I also pick up a green one. I put them all in the trolley and walk over to the check out. I pay for all the paint then leave. I put the paint into the car then put the trolley back.

I get in the car and drive away back home. Once I got home I took the paint inside and locked the car behind me. I shut and lock the front door and walk upstairs. I put some gloves on and pick up the blue one.

I walk over to George's room and paint the door blue. I then paint my room door green. I paint Willow's room, when she is a kid, door yellow. Coral's room door purple then Tessa's room door the light blue.

I then paint the baby's room door green and blue making sure that the colors mix together I the use the the yellow, purple and light blue to write 'Baby room' on the door. Once I was finished with the paint I throw it out then wait for it to dry.

Once it dry's I set up the cots in the baby's room. When finished I set up the chairs as well. I told George to send his stuff over so I can set up his room while he sleeps in the chair of the baby's room at the moment then he will sell it.

I walk over to the door and realize that the moving van has dropped off all of George's stuff. I set up George's bedroom and his soundproof office. Everything that was George's is now set up but I might buy some more stuff for his room while I go buy stuff for the future kids room.

I nod as I walk downstairs and grab my keys and walk to the door. I stop when I hear my stomach growl at me. I decide to get takeout since if I stop to do something I will stop all the running thing I have.

I walk outside then shut and lock the door behind me. I get in the car and drive off.

I make sure to stop for some food before I go anywhere else.  

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