Chapter 56: Founds out

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This chapter has stalking and stealing just a warning for you guys

(Dreams pov)

I woke up before George which is normal.

I hear a notification go off on George's phone so I pick it up and look at it. I unlock George's phone and go into his Snapchat to be met with a shocking surprise. I get off George's phone and stand up.

I get changed and walk into the kids room. I kiss them on the head then walk out of the room and out of the house. So much for telling each other what's going on I mean sure I didn't but I knew that I was going to be okay because I had a  99% chance of living and 1% chance of dying.

I get into the car and drive away from the house. I drive for a while then pull up at a police station. I walk inside now my family is known for stealing things and I am not gonna lie I did as well but only a little.

I stand and wait like I am waiting for a friend to come out. A police officer walks up to me and takes me around to the questioning room so I could wait for my "Friend" to come out. I wait until I was left alone.

I stand up and look in the file until I find the right file and I take it. I hide it then walk out with a random guy. I hand shake the guy then say hello then walk off like I was mad at him. I get in my car and look at the file.

Full name: Kai John Little
Name he likes to be called: Kai
Hair colour: Brown- dyed blue now
Eye colour: Green- Wears purple eye contacts now
Date of birth: 9/5/1998 (If you are American or other) or 5/9/1998 (If your British or other)
Born in: Birmingham, England
Location: Orlando, Florida: ###########

I close the file. I sneak into the police station again and put the file back then get back into the car. I start up the car and drive away. I hear my phone go off in the Bluetooth speaker on the car. I look down at my phone to see George was calling me.

I let the phone ring out and continue to drive. The voice mail goes off which George actually says something. 

"Clay look I know you must have gone through my phone and I know you know about Kai and I am sorry, I wasn't going to say yes to him I love you too much and I need you, I am sorry for not telling you about it but from now on I will tell you everything I promise just don't do anything dumb and come home soon okay? Okay love you and please answer your phone next time I know you might be driving but okay anyways bye, I love you" 

I hear the beep beep beep and let out a sigh, I am going to do something really dumb and I mean really dumb but I am not really thinking right as well and I can't believe I am going to do this but.

I am going to kill Kai

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