Chapter 117: Car ride

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(Dreams pov)


I snap back to life and look around to see we are pulled over in a gas station.

I must have zoned out which is odd for me. 

"Do you want anything to eat?" George asks

"Uh yeah just let me have a look at what they have" I say

"Then come on get out of the car" George says. I put Patches down on the drivers seat and I get out of the car.

I shut the door and George locks the car. We walk inside to see the girls looking at the menu that they can't even read. I walk over to the girls and look up at the menu which is on the wall.

"Can I just get a large chips?" I ask

"That's all?" George asks

"I am not that hungry" I say "Plan salt will do me" 

"Well I am going to get the girls some nuggets and some other things to try" George says

"Okay" I say

"Do you want any drinks?" George asks. I look at the fridge and walk over to it.

I pull out some Chocolate milk and I walk over to George.

"I should have known" George says "You can go wait in the car with Patches if you want"

I nod and George hands me the car keys and he takes the Chocolate milk out of my hands. I walk out to the car and unlock it. I get in the passenger seat and shut the door after. Patches jumps on my lap again and starts purring.

I take my phone and to see I have a new message from Zac. I open the message and look at it

Hey there, How are you?

I am doing well but the doctor has just said that I have PTSD a few days ago and now everything makes sense

Holy shit I can't believe it you don't seem like the person to have PTSD

Well I do it was a shock to me and my husband

It's a shock to me too, omg have you told all your fans?!

No I haven't

You should probably so they know not to say anything that might make memories come back to you

Yeah your right that would be a very good idea. I better go now my husband is coming back with food for us because we are on a long trip to get away from everything

Okay have funnnn 

I close the text messages app and lean back in my seat. Zac was right it would be a good idea to tell everyone so that no one says anything wrong. I go into Twitter.

Hey guys this seems odd but I thought I would let you guys know that I have PTSD so I would like it if you guys are careful with what you say so it doesn't break me down, thank you for listening :)

I close the twitter app and post it on YouTube as well for the people who don't have Twitter or anything. I close the You Tube app and the car door opens. I look over to see George putting the girls in their car seats.

Once finished he gets in the drivers seat and hands us our food.

"Thanks Hon" I say. I kiss George on the cheek and he smiles at me.

"Now back on the road" George says. I nod and opens my chip bag.

I start eating the hot fresh chips.

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