Chapter 131: Badly hurt

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(Dreams pov)

I snap back to real life to see George putting a bandage around my arm.

George looks up at me. George moves his hand in front of my eyes which makes me follow his hand. George moves his hand away and smiles at me.

"I see your back to real life" George says

"Yeah" I say. I try to sit up but my back hurts to much.

"No no Clay stay laying down" George says "Don't worry about Luca, they put him in prison" 

I nod which makes George look down at the bandages. I look down at the table to see a mug. George looks at the table as well. George picks the mug up and hands it to me. I take a sip of the tea which is warm.

I smile. 

"What was the last thing you remember?" George asks. I blink a few times, I honestly don't know.

I shake my head.

"I don't know" I say. George looks at me concern.

"What do you mean you don't know?" George asks

"I don't know" I say 

"Clay you have to know" George says

"I remember walking out of the office and downstairs where Luca grabbed me and threw me against the wall then I called out your name then I blacked out from there" I say

"Okay" George says "Thank you for telling me" 

"No problem I guess" I mumble. George looks at me.

"Hey" George says "I told you Luca is in prison he won't hurt you I promise"

"It's just that, how did you hear me through the soundproofing?" I ask

"I didn't, Tessa did" George says

"What?" I say

"Tessa has your super hearing and she told me that she heard you scream and I made Tessa go have a look then she attacked Luca on sight" George says "Tessa was the one that saved your life"

"Wow" I say "My own daughter saved my life"

"Yeah pretty cool how much she loves you that she saved you from something she knew wasn't right, your lucky to have a daughter like that" George says

"We are lucky we have a daughter like that" I say "She's your daughter as well not just mine" 

"Yeah I know, I am just trying to make a point" George says

"Yeah yeah I understand your point, I need to be more careful about these things and I need to be more strong for the kids" I say

"You already are strong enough for the kids" George says "You did save us all from that guy that broke into the house"

"I guess that is true but I feel like I am not strong enough for them" I say

"Trust me you are strong enough, no matter what the girls will remember that you are always there for them no matter what" George says "Plus you have big enough muscles as it is"

"Hey" I say. George laughs lightly.

"They aren't big, I am skinny as a noodle" I say

"No your not" George says "I am the noodle not you"

"Well how about we are both the noodles" I say

"Okay okay we are both the noodles" George says "But your less of a noodle" 

I laugh a little. George looks at the bandages on me.

"You are badly hurt you do know that right, I mean I had to stop the bleeding from the head pretty fast" George says 

"I'll be fine" I say "Nothing I can't handle"

"Yeah that's not a good thing" George says. I shrug.

"Just drink your tea before it gets cold, Tessa won't be happy that you didn't drink her tea that she made for you" George says 

"She makes me tea every time I wake up from a nap or if I am hurt" I say

"I know it's pretty nice of her" George says

"Yeah, I know" I say

"Now get some rest your gonna need a lot of it" George says. I laugh a little.

I close my eyes and fall asleep pretty fast.

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