Chapter 170: Thinking where to move

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up to see that I was on the lounge and I was laying in George's lap.

I sit up and look a George who is watching YouTube. George looks at me and smiles just a bit. I rub my head and let out a sigh.

"Did I fall asleep?" I ask

"Yeah you did don't worry it's only been a few hours" George says 

"Holy shit what's the time?!" I say

"It's 10:35 pm but don't worry we stay up until like 2 anyways" George says 

"Yeah I guess that's true" I say 

"So what do you remember before you fell asleep?" George says 

"I told you that it would be a god idea to move and we agreed that it would be a good idea then I drank some tea then it went all black" I say "he rest is a blur after I drank the tea"

"That's okay Clay we all forget things most of the time it's a normal thing" George says 

"Yeah I guess" I say

"Should we continue with the conversation that we had before you fell asleep?" George asks

"Yeah that would be a good idea" I say. George moves closer to me.

"So" George says "What are you thinking to move to?" 

"I don't know there are so many cities and towns in Florida" I say 

"Yes that is the problem isn't it" George says while looking down at the ground. Suddenly George's eyes light up and he gets an idea.

"What's the idea?" I say 

"Why don't we pack somethings and go to every town and city in Florida to pick one and we can see them and the girls can help us pick!" George says 

"What?! That could take weeks! Maybe in months! Are you thinking right?!" I say 

"See this could also give us time away from here as well" George says "Plus we will only stay like 3 to 4 nights at one hotel in the town or city then we will move on to the next one"

"I still don't think it would be a good idea" I say 

"Clay just think about it, it could be a little get away for a while then we can come back here and rest for a bit while then we can move" George says 

"How are we gonna buy a house through" I say 

"We look up all the houses for sale in the town or city then we go and look at them to see if we like them" George says 

"Okay okay fine, it's not a bad idea but it's also a better idea as well" I say. I look at the ground and let out a sigh.

"Okay fine we will do it" I say 

"Yes!" George says 

"After we spend a few days here through, I am not ready to leave just yet because that hospital sucks" I say

"I can understand that 100%" George says "I would want to stay home for a few days after I spent like day's in the hospital" 

I smile and giggle a bit. The lounge room door opens and Coral looks into the room. I look at Coral and she walks over to me and crawls onto the lounge. Coral cuddles up to me and falls back asleep.

"Looks like she missed you and wants to sleep with you" George says. I smile and giggle a little

"Yeah" I say. I look down at Coral then look up at George with a smile.

George smiles back at me then winks.

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