Chapter 134: Your in trouble

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(Dreams pov)

I must have fallen asleep while the girls were playing video games but it seemed to be fine or so I thought.


I jump to wake up and look at the lounge room door but no one was there. I look in front of me to see George holding 2 PS5 remotes in his hands.

"You let the fucking girls play the PS5?!" George yells

"Ooooo your in trouble" 

I look over at the door frame to see Drista.

"Clay we talked about this!" George yells


I honestly can't get any words out of my mouth, I woke up in such a scare that I feel like I am still half asleep.

"I'll talk with you later when we don't have Drista here" George says. George puts the remotes down on the table in front of me with a bang. 

George leaves the room with Drista following him. I sink down on the lounge. I look over to Willow and Coral who are worried for me.

"I- am okay girls don't worry about me, I'll be okay" I say. Willow and Coral both crawl over to me and cuddle close.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I feel someone flick my nose which wakes me up.

George was standing there.

"We are talking, let's go" George says. I stand up and walk out of the lounge room. 

I shut the lounge room door and George stands there and looks at me.

(Willows pov)

I wake up when daddy stands up and leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

I shake Coral and wake her up which she does. I start to hear talking which soon turns to a bit of yelling. Me and Coral go over to the door and open it just a bit.

"George please" Daddy says "They wanted to play and I didn't mind"

"Yes but I do mind!" Mommy yells "They should be sitting there having their life thrown away and all they want to do is play video games"

"George video games is in their blood we can't stop who they are" Daddy says

"It doesn't mean we can just throw what they want to them, they are young and should be out playing in the yard" Mommy says 

"Yes I know that and they do, do that but some times things can change and you can't stop change" Daddy says. Mommy looks at daddy with what seems to be anger or something else.

"I know we can't change what the girls are but we can tell the girls that playing video games is shit and they need to get outside more!" Mommy says 

"You don't understand do you?" Daddy says "George they look up to us, the love video games, Willow says she wants to be youtuber just like me or maybe a doctor "

Mommy slaps Daddy across the face. 

"Oh my god Clay I am no sorry!" Mommy says. Daddy gives Mommy a hug as he starts crying.

"Its okay sweetie I am okay" Daddy says. Me and Coral both nod at each other and we close the lounge room door then it opens again.

"Were you two listening the whole time?" Daddy asks. Me and Coral both giggle and Daddy starts trying to catch us.

Now this is fun.

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