Chapter 53: Her first word

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(Dreams pov)

It has been a few days since my surgery and I am now aloud to go home since I am all healed and just a scar is left on my stomach now.

I get in a cab and get home. I knock on the house door and George opens it and smiles.

"Welcome home Clay" George says. I walk inside and George shuts/locks the door behind me.

"Come on" George says. Me and George walk upstairs into the playroom.

I sit on the ground. Willow, Coral and Tessa all crawl over to me and hugs me tightly, I hug them back. I let go and look at the girls.

"Hello my little ones" I say

"Dwddy" Willow says. I look at George who looks at me.

I look at Willow and pull her close to me.

"Look who said her first word huh?" I say. I start tickling her which makes Willow laugh.

Coral and Tessa move away a bit.

"Where do you think you two are going" I say. I grab Tessa and Coral and pull them in.

I cuddle all the girls and stand up and start slowly running around. Willow, Coral and Tessa were all laughing and giggling, Tessa was squirming as normal. I lay on the ground and the girls crawl all over me.

"Oh no! They have me pinned! Mama help me!" I say. George starts laughing.

"Don't worry I am coming!" George says. George slowly runs over to us and picks Willow and Coral up.

"I am saving you!" George says. Willow and Coral were both laughing while George playfully and carefully fight them.

"Oh no!" I say. George lays on the floor and Willow and Coral lay on him.

"They have me, help meeee" George says

"We have been taken down" I say "This is the end"

George starts laughing and so do I. Tessa rolls on my stomach.

"Oh fuck!" I yell. Tessa starts laughing.

Tessa rolls off me and around the room.

"Get back here you little squirm" I say. I stand up and run slowly trying to get Tessa who is giggling while rolling around.

George, Willow and Coral were enjoying watching me try and catch Tessa. I look at the girls and they look at me. I pick Tessa up and lay down next to George. Willow yawns and so does Tessa but Coral doesn't.

"You can sleep girls no one is stopping you" I say. Willow and Tessa both fall asleep but Coral is wide away.

I run my fingers through Coral's hair which makes her yawn then fall asleep. I move my hand away and look at George.

"They haven't slept like this since you left" George whispers "It seems they need both of us to help them sleep right"

"I was like that when I was a kid as well" I say

"Really?" George says

"Yeah" I say "Runs in the blood line"

"I can't believe Willow's first word was 'Daddy' like why couldn't it be mama or mum like really" George says 

"My first word was 'daddy' when I was a baby" I say "Then it was mom"

"Mine was mum" George says. George yawns.

"Sleep sweetie you need it" I say

"Okay" George says. George falls asleep,

I let out a sigh and watch over everyone.

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