Chapter 3: Home

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(Georges pov)

 when the plane landed I got off the plane and grab my bags.

It was night time here meaning it might be day where Dream lives. I wasn't tired because I was used to the times over at Dream's place. I sigh and walk out into the open to have arms wrapped around me.

I look up to see Wilbur.

"It's good to have you back here George" Wilbur says 

"I wish I could say the same" I mumble.

"Lets get you home yeah?" Wilbur says 

"Yes please" I say. Me and Wilbur walk out to the car.

I sit in the passenger seat with my bags while Wilbur gets in the drivers seat and starts driving. I look out the window. It was dark and nothing like Florida, Florida was very pretty in the dark. I close my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Glad to be back? I am sure you are! be in your warm comfy bed and in your nice place" Wilbur says. The bed's over at Dream's place were a lot comfier then the one I have and his house makes me feel happy and warm unlike my place.

 Wilbur pulls up at my house. I get out of the car and take my bags.

"Thanks for the drive home" I say

"Sure no problem" Wilbur says. I shut the car door and walk up to my place.

I unlock the door and walks inside. I shut/lock the door behind me and let out a sigh. I walk upstairs. I unpack my bag then walk to my lounge. I sit down and look at my phone.

"Gosh I wish I didn't have to leave" I say "I wanted to stay with you"

I put my phone down. I put my face in my hands. I shake my head then look back up. I look at the TV and turn it on. I put on a movie and lay down on the lounge. I look up at the roof. I remember when I did this at Dream's place he would stand next to the lounge and peak his head over in my view.

I giggle softly then look at the TV. I put my hand on my head as I start to get a headache. I shake my head then pull my hand away. I close my eyes hoping it will help back it does nothing. I stand up and get off the lounge.

I walk over to the kitchen and grab some headache tablets. I fill a glass up with water. I put the tablets in my mouth then the water. I swallow the tablets then look in the water. I pour the rest of the water down the sink then walk back to the lounge.

The tablets started doing their work and my headache slowly went down. I lay back down on the lounge and look at my hands. I look at the cut on my hand and smile. Me and Dream were cutting vegetables and I wasn't looking where I was cutting and cut my hand.

Dream started to panic as he grabbed bandages to bandage my hand, it hurt at first but later on me and Dream just started laughing about it.

I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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