Chapter 115: Showing love

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up to Coral not being by my side.

I sit up and look around, I hear the door open which makes me look over at the door. Tessa walks in with a cup of tea in her hands. Tessa hands me the cup of tea and I take it. I take a sip of the tea and smile at Tessa who smiles back.

Tessa leaves the room which makes me rise a eyebrow. I get out of the bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen, waffles are freshy made on the table waiting for me. I walk over to the table then freeze as I look at the waffles.

I feel like this has happened to me before. I shake my head and sit down at the table. I eat the waffles which are really good. I stand up and take the plate over to the dishwasher. I look at the dishwasher which is already unpacked, I usually do the dishwasher which is odd.

I put the plate in the dishwasher then close it. I walk upstairs and into mine and Georges room to put our dirty clothes in the wash but they are already gone. 

"What is going on" I whisper. I walk downstairs and into the lounge room to be met with a huge hug.

I look to see George who is hugging me tightly. I slowly hug back which makes George put his face on my chest.

"Why didn't you wake me and tell me what happened?" George whispers

"Because I didn't want you to worry, I am fine I promise" I whisper. I pulled away from George who also pulls away from me.

I look around the room to see Willow, Coral and Tessa all holding boxes in their hands wanting to give them to me. I giggle a little then sit on the ground. Willow walks up to me and hands me her box. It was a big box meaning there must be something big in the box.

I open the box to see it was a brand new printer, My printer that I have keeps breaking and I have been trying to fix it every day which is very annoying. I take the box that has the new printer in and I give Willow a big kiss on the cheek, Willow giggles.

Willow steps back as Coral walks up to me and hands me a medium size box. I open to see it was a box of video games. I smile and kiss Coral on the forehead and she smiles.

"I love it" I whisper

"I knew you would" Coral says. Coral steps back and Tessa walks up to me and hands me a small box.

"You are getting good at walking Tessa" I whisper

"Pwpw!" Tessa says. I open the box to see nice peridot earing's, of course peridot is my birthstone which is awesome.

I smile and put the earing in my ear. Tessa smiles and giggles. I close the small box which the other earing in it. I put it to the side and Tessa jumps on top of me and giggles. I start gigging and picking Tessa up and hang her upside down.

Willow and Coral run over and try to make me fall over to Tessa would be put down. I pick Coral up and put her upside down as well. I fall over and make sure the girls fall on me. We sit there and laugh. George lays down next to me and smiles.

I put Coral down to my right next to Willow while I leave Tessa on my stomach and chest.

"This was awesome thank you" I say 

"Don't worry about it Clay" George says "Just wake me up next time"

"I won't" I whisper. We all look up at the roof.

George turns off the light then lays back down. I look up at the roof to see the star night light George brought for Tessa when she's in bed. Tessa's body relaxes and she falls asleep. I look next to me to see Coral and Willow both have fallen asleep as well.

I look at George who has also fallen asleep. I smile and look up. The stars are very pretty and bright just like they are in the sky.

I close my eyes and take a nap.

I am backkkkk 

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