Chapter 148: Dinner in the non-real world?

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(Dreams pov)

"Honey dinner is ready come and have it" George says. I turn the tv off and stand up.

I look down at my hands to see I was wearing black fingerless gloves. I haven't seen what I look like in this world yet maybe that's something I should look at because it seems I look different in this world that I see as well.

"Clay" George says

"Yeah I am coming" I say. I look away from my hands and leave the lounge room.

I look around to see that the open area is overgrown as well and there are even pink leaves on the trees. I look over at the girls. Willow had a mushroom hat on but seems to have a green hoodie and the fingerless gloves. I look at Coral who has the gogy glasses and the mushroom cape with a blue shirt. I look at Tessa who has fingerless gloves and a white smiley face mask on her head with a cape that has mushroom colours she also has a blue hoodie on.

I sit down in my chair and look down at the food. I am pretty sure that we were having sausages on hotdog buns but for some reason the buns are pink and the sausage is blue with what I think is ketchup but it seems to be brown not red.

I swallow hard and pick up the bun with the sausage in it. I take a bite and it tastes like normal I think? Maybe even better but I am not sure. I eat it all the way and after I was finished I look up at everyone else who is slowly eating.

"That was really good" I say...No one seemed to heard me.

"Thank you honey" I say...No one answered.

I stand up and walk over to the kitchen sink. I look up to see the real world. George was looking at me worried and he seems to notice that I was looking into the real world I am pretty sure.

"Honey?" George says

"Yeah?" I say

"You okay you just got up with your plate and walked over to the sink, you said 'That was really good' I said thanks then you had a face that seemed like I didn't say anything back to you then when you said 'Thank you honey' I said no problem then you just got up and left" George says

"But you didn't say anything to me" I say

"Clay that's your other world, I was talking to you I swear" George says

"I dont know anymore, I dont know whats real and whats not this is just so hard for my brain" I say

"I can understand that, after all your seeing 2 worlds" George says "What do you see now?"

"I see what I think is the normal world I am not sure" I say

"Well I am I wearing a mushroom hat?" George says

"No, no you are not" I say

"Then yes this is the normal world" George says

"Oh thats wonderful" I say. I walk away from the sink and I am back in the other world.

I look at George who is a elf which I didn't see before, the girls are also elfs but Tessa. I walk over to George and George stands up.

"You see the other world now dont you?" George says

"Yes" I say "I keep thinking that this is the real world and that the other one is not"

"Clay I want you to get this in your head" George says

"Okay" I say

"The real world is when I am not wearing the mushroom hat and the other world is where I am" George says

"Okay" I say

"You got that?" George asks

"Yes" I say

"Good" George says.

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