Chapter 161: Thinking Thinking Thinking

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(Dreams pov)

George was with the girls while they were having a check up while I was still laying down in this hospital bed.

I am honestly sick of this fucking hospital bed, I can't wait until I am back in mine and George's bed. I get out of the hospital bed and walk out of the room. I start walking around until the doctor sees me and runs up to me.

"Good your up and moving now come on"

The doctor walks away and I follow him confused. We walk into a room which the girls are in and George. I walk up next to George and sit down in a chair. To be fair I wasn't really paying any attention, I was thinking about what George said to me earlier.

George is right, we have been fighting for this home for so long and we haven't moved at all but all this fighting seems to be making me worse. George moves my arm a bit which makes me jump and yelp in pain a bit.

The doctor looks at me and I stand up.

"Are you in pain?" 

"No no no no I do that all the time don't worry it's uhh a safety thing just in case someone try's to kidnap me" I say

"Yeah but it wouldn't be one of pain"

"I am not staying one more fucking day in this hospital" I say

"Whoa whoa Dream please use your language more kid friendly please" 

"I don't care, I hate it here I want to leave tomorrow and I have to sit though pain, I am gonna sit through fucking pain" I say

"Yeah no I am sorry Dream but I am gonna have to look into your pain and if it's not that bad you will leave tomorrow I promise" 

"No" I say "I have things to think about I don't need to be here any longer, I could walk out right now if I wanted to because I am fine, I am all better" I say

"Dream please work with us here, if you go lay down in the bed we will give you time to think before we knock you out"

"Ugh whatever!" I say. I leave the room and walk into mine.

I lay down on the bed and start thinking again. Willow and Coral want to leave because they think it's the right thing to do while Tessa wants to stay, George wants to half leave and half stay while Drista was the one that come up with the idea to keep us all safe.

But it means that I can't see Tommy unless I want to drive back, I'll leave behind Tommy, Sapnap, Wilbur, Phil and many others but I need to do what is right for my family and not for my friends.

I let out a sigh and look to my left and right. I had built a life here but that life has been falling ever since I had gotten my PTSD an staying here is making it worse. Okay I have made up my mind.

The doctor walks in and looks at me.

"I am done thinking" I say while rolling my eyes. The doctor walks over to me and puts me under anesthetic.

I close my eyes and fall asleep. 

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