Chapter 184: New city

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(Dreams pov)

I was all better now which is amazing but the down side is that we are back on the road...again.

"So where to now?" George asks

"Sanford" I say

"How far is it?" George says 

"28 minutes" I say 

"So not far" George says 

"Yeah not far" I say "But we better get started with the drive"

"What's the rush?" George asks

"This place makes me feel..." I stop

"Yeah you don't need to continue so sorry girls this place is 100% no" George says. I could hear Willow let out a sigh and the other girl's had no reaction, I guess Willow liked this place.

I lean down in my seat as George starts to drive, he drives to the front building and leaves then pulls over. I get out of the car and run into the main building and pay for our time here, I then give the guy the keys then leave and get back into the car. I make sure to put my seatbelt on.

"Ready?" George asks. I shut the door and nod at him. 

George starts driving away and I let Patches out of her thing. Patches jumps onto my lap and curls up into a ball. I smile and start to pat Patches who starts purring. Patches falls asleep and I just keep patting her while she is asleep which is making her purr louder.

I take George's phone and set up the GPS to tell George where to go. I then put the phone through the Bluetooth then I sit it down. I pick up my phone and look at some nice hotel's in the area.

I pick a hotel that was basically a normal house but it was a hotel which is cool and it has a indoor underground pool that also has a hot tub. I ring up and ask or a room or house I guess and I book it.

I hang up the phone and George half looks at me then he looks back at the road.

"Did you find us a hotel?" George says 

"Yeah it's really nice I love it and I think that you will love it and I know that the baby's are gonna love it too" I say

"Okay ew don't call us that" Coral says. I start laughing.

"Sorry sweetie I won't do that again" I say 

"Thanks" Coral says

"How are you girls feeling anyways?" I ask 

"I am okay daddy" Willow says 

"I am fine" Coral says 

"I wm okwy pwpw" Tessa says 

"That's great I am glad your all feeling okay" I say. Willow, Coral and Tessa both smile.

I face George who looks at me then looks back at the road.

"How are you feeling?" I ask. George smiles.

"I am fine thanks for asking" George says. I sit back in my seat and let out a sigh.

"Are we there yet?" I ask

"No" George says 

"Are we there yet?" Coral asks a few minutes later.

"No" George says.

"Arw ww thwrw ywt?" Willow asks another few minutes later.

"No!" George says 

"Mwmw?" Tessa asks. A few more minutes passed by.

  "Yes sweetie?" George says 

"Arw ww thwrw ywt? I wm kwnda hwngry" Tessa says 

"Yes sweetie we are finally here" George says. I take George's phone and put in the hotel place and George starts drive to the hotel.

George pulls up at the hotel and he drives in and looks around. George pulls into a parking spot where I told him to park. I get out of the car and run to the main building and get the key. I run back to the, you know what I am gonna call it a house, I run back to the house to see that George is waiting at the door.

I open the door and I watch as the girls run into the house. Me and George start bringing the stuff in and after we do that George shuts up the car then locks it. George walks back inside then shuts the house door then goes to lock it but it has a automatic lock on the door.

I put Patches on the ground and she rubs her fur against my leg. I watch as the girls run upstairs and I follow behind them. There are 3 bedrooms, One room with a queen bed, one with 2 single beds and one with 1 single bed.

"Okay so" I say. The girls look up at me.

"I think that Willow and Coral should share a room while Tessa sleeps in the other room with Mr Bear" I say. The girls look at each other.

"I likw that idwa" Willow says 

"Me too as long as Willow isn't annoying or talks in her sleep" Coral says "Then me and Tessa are changing"

"Hey!" Willow says. Coral smiles and starts to laugh.

"I lwvw that idwa pwpw" Tessa says. I smile.

"Well I am happy that you guy's agree with me so why don't we play with some toys while we wait for mommy to get us some dinner" I say. I look at George who smiles at me and nods.

"Yeah I can do that" George says. I kiss George on the lips then pull away.

"Drive safe and don't be dumb" I say 

"I will don't worry and I won't be dumb I promise" George says. George gives me another kiss then leaves.

I start playing with the girls who are playing tea party and toys. 

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