Chapter 197: Why so many books

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(Dreams pov)

I pull up at he house and get out of the car, Coral who is following behind me.

"How are we gonna get these books inside?" Coral asks 

"I don't know, I don't usually buy this many books but that doesn't matter, I find it lovely that I can share the library we have at home here" I say

"What's a library?" Coral asks 

"A library is a place that hold a lot of books and you can go there to read them and borrow them with out having to pay for them" I say

"That sounds cool" Coral says 

"Yeah, when you get to school there will be a library there" I say 

"Hey! What did I say about talking about school!" Coral says 

"Don't talk about school until you have to go to school" I say 

"Yes" Coral says "So don't talk about school"

"Okay fine but what we need to talk about right now is how in the hell are we gonna get these books inside" I say

"We can go bag by bag" Coral says 

"Yes lets walk more and more and get sunburned" I say 

"Yeah your right" Coral says "So why don't we get Willow, Tessa and mum to help us"

I giggle a little.

"What's funny?" Coral says 

"Your so British just like your mother" I say 

"British?" Coral says 

"Different countries have different ways of doing things and they say different words as well and they do things different as well" I say "So your mother comes of Europe aka the United Kingdom as we call it and that county is British"

"But what are you then?" Coral asks

"I am American I come from well America which is where we are now" I say 

"That makes sense, sooo what is Willow?" Coral asks

"She's full American" I say 

"Sooo I am full British?" Coral asks 

"Yes, you are full British and Tessa is half and half" I say 

"Makes sense" Coral says "So what do I say different?"

"Mom" I say

"Heh?!" Coral says "You said it wrong it's mum not MoM" 

"See? British say 'mum' Americans say 'mom' does that make sense?" I say 

"Yeah that makes sense" Coral says "But we are getting off track! We have to get these books inside now!"

"Okay okay I know you wanna read your books but please do calm down" I say 

"I am calm I don't know what your talking about" Coral says 

"Okay" I say. I pull out my phone and text Gorge to come outside with the other girls.

The door opens and George walks out with Willow and Coral.

"What's wrong honey?" George asks

"So me and Coral went on a book shopping thing and we have brought many many many books and now we need help bring them inside" I say "Coral has taken a liking to books and reading"

"Why so many books through?" George asks

"because we love reading" I say 

"Okay okay fine we will help you" George says 

"Thanks hon" I say. We all start picking up bags and take them inside.

After we got all the bags inside I shut up the car and lock it. I walk inside and lock the door behind me. I grab some of the bags and walk upstairs and into the home library. I put the bags down and start putting the books on the shelfs.

I hear more bags being put down which makes to me look over to see Coral. I smile at her and she smiles at me, I start to unpack all of the books and once I was finished I grab a book that Coral picked out for herself.

I hand Coral the book and she looks at me with a smile.

"Good luck with reading sweetie" I say "Make sure to ask me any words that you don't understand and I will help you"

"Okay dad" Coral says "Thanks for buying these for me and letting me try reading" 

"Of course sweetie it's really nothing" I say "But your swimming lessons may come soon as well, I mean you are turning 1 this year god that makes me feel old"

Coral giggles and laughs.

"You are old" Coral says 

"Hey! I am only 23!" I say "Your mother is older then me"

"Oh really, how old is mum?" Coral says 

"Your mother is 26" I say 

"Okay yeah he is older" Coral says "Never mind mum is old your not"

I laugh a little.

"Have fun sweetie" I say. Coral gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"I will dad don't worry" Coral says. Coral leaves the room and I smile.

I pull out a book and look at it.

I sit down on the beanbag in the library and start reading.

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