Chapter 191: I am not ready for another one

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(Dreams pov)

After we finished the stream George asked to talk with me and I did say yes of course. 

Me and George are in the kitchen because I was cooking some cupcakes. George sits down on the kitchen stool and looks at me.

"What's up?" I ask

"I am not ready" George says 

"Ready for what?" I ask

"I am not ready for another child Clay and I don't know if I want another child" George says 

"George while we were away you told me you wanted to have another kid in a few years" I say

"Well maybe I don't want one anymore" George says

"Okay" I say

"What are we gonna do?" George asks

"There is a way" I say "But go to the doctors and they will take you to the hospital"

"What about you? Are you happy doing this?" George asks.

"Please Coral is enough for me anyways, she is a pain in the ass" I say

"Well maybe we should keep the baby" George says 

"Oh my god George can you please make up your mind?" I ask

"Clay is hard for me to do that at the moment because I am thinking of the girls and they want a baby sister or brother" George says "And you sound a bit upset as well"

"Well what is making you not want to have a child?" I ask

"I am worried we won't spend that much time with the girls anymore" George says 

"Honey, we can make them spend time with each other then we can spend time with them all at the same time" I say "I know it's gonna be hard but I am gonna have your back through all of this and the girls will as well"

"Well I am gonna go take some to think about it" George says 

"Please just know that this is all up to you, none of us have a say and after all you are the one that has to carry the baby around and give birth to it" I say

"Yeah that is true" George says with a smile. I kiss George on the head.

"I am happy if your happy" I say 

"Thanks love" George says "This is why I married you"

I smile. George gets off the kitchen stool and walks upstairs. Coral walks into the kitchen and sits on the kitchen stool.

"So, mommy doesn't want to have another kid and does that mean that we won't have a brother or sister?" Coral asks

"Well this is not up for us to talk about, your mother gets to make the decision and if he wishes to not have another kid then we will be happy and supportive" I say

"Yeah, I know but I just couldn't help but listen in and I am sorry" Coral says 

"Don't be sorry sweetie" I say "I would do the same, it comes from my side" 

Coral smiles.

"Yeah yeah whatever" Coral says "What are you making?" 

"Cupcakes" I say "They are gonna be so good because I am cooking it" 

"Your cooking is the best thing ever" Coral says 

"You might have my cooking skills" I say 

"I wish" Coral says. I smile and giggle a bit.

Coral starts to help me cook the cupcakes.

Well the last chapter got over 20 reads so he is a blurred picture of the character for the next story :)

Well the last chapter got over 20 reads so he is a blurred picture of the character for the next story :)

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