Chapter 19: Settling down

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(Dreams pov)

After I got home last night I passed out on my bed from being so tired.

I wake up and get out of bed. I go for a shower and get changed. I look in the mirror and move my hair around. My hair is very curly and long but I have gotten used to it. I walk out of the bathroom and grab my phone.

I go into Twitter to see everyone was happy that I was home and safe.

When are you coming to me then?

Just let me settle down for a few days and I will come to you to see our children coming to life

Well I am just happy that you are home and safe and away from your evil mother

Evil mother, that's something I thought I would never hear someone say


My dear sister what is wrong?

Where are you?! Mom's not happy that we can't find you

I am home

You left?! Mom's not going to be happy about that when I tell her!

I don't care what mom says! I have fucking kids on the way and I need to be healthy and there when they are born I can't not be there when they are born

Clay what has gotten into you?! Family is more important

They are my fucking family! They are mine

Your friends have changed you, What happened to the Clay I know? The one who always stays with his family where ever they are or when they need him

You mean the kid who couldn't take care of himself? The one who always let his mother make decisions for him? I am not him anymore! I am a grown man who has his own family to take care of, I can make my own decisions now and I need to make my own decisions

Dream your 23

Yes that means I am a grown ass man who can make my own decisions in life and I am making one right now, I am blocking you and I don't want to hear from you again until I want to talk with you again

What?! You can't do that I am your sister!

I click on her profile and click the block button. I let out a sigh and put my phone down. I get off my bed and walk downstairs. I open my panty and to my surprise no food but really I am not surprise.

I walk back upstairs and grab my phone. I order pizza and sit down in my gamer chair. I hum lightly and watch as my computer light up. I put in my password with my fast fingers and watch as my desktop picture loads up.

I go onto google and shake my head. I load up steam and look through all the games. I hum and add some games to my basket. I hum lightly as I buy them and let them download onto my computer.

I hear a knock at my door and I stand up. I walk to the door and open it. The person hands me my pizza and I give him some money. I shut and lock the door once he leaves and I walk upstairs.

I eat my pizza and wait until the games download onto my computer.   

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