Chapter 70: Evil

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(Willows pov)

I was playing in the room that mom and dad keep putting me in and my sisters as well.

I was playing tea party with Tessa and Coral. I look at Coral and smile at her and she smiles back.

"Whwn dw ywu thwnk dwddy and mwm gwttwng hwmw" I say

"I dwn't knww, whw arw ywu awkwng mw" Coral says

"I dwn't knww" I say "I thwughw ywu wowld knww"

"Nw" Coral says. Tessa looks at us and smiles.

Me and Coral smile back. Tessa goes back to playing with her bear and me and Coral look at each other.

"Ww mwst prwtwct swstwr wwth owr lwvws" I say. Coral nods and we both look at Tessa.

Tessa rolls over to us with a tea pourer thing. She pours fake tea into our cups and into the cups of our toys. Tessa rolls back over to her bear. I look at Coral and I drink my fake tea. Coral laughs a little then drinks some of her fake tea.

"Bwbw" Tessa says. Tessa rolls over to me and hugs me.

Tessa looks at Coral and hugs her.

"Swstwr" Tessa says

"Hww cwmw ywu gwt a nwcknwmw" Coral says 

"Dw ywu wwnt a nwcknwmw" I say

"Nw nwt rwwlly" Coral says 

"Sw dwn't gwt upswt okwy" I say

"Okwy" Coral says. Tessa moves away and back to her bear and hugs it.

There is something wrong with that bear and I know there is but I don't think anyone else knows. I look at the bear.

I feel like the bear is watching me half of the time but why does no one else feel like that or notice it at all it's only me.

The bear just stares all day long and sometimes I swear its eye moves sometimes. Tessa never leaves it alone as well so she always has it.

I look at Coral then Mr Bear. I crawl over to Tessa and the bear. I tap her on the shoulder and she jumps and looks at me.

I look at the bear. Its eye moves a little. The bear is Evil I am telling you.

"I dwnt lwkw Mr Bwwr" I say. Tessa makes a sad face and looks at Mr Bear.

She shakes her head and cuddles Mr Bear closer. Mr Bear's eye moves to me and I crawl bwck to Coral. I shake it away just thinking that it is my imagination.

Coral hugs me and I hug her back, Tessa joins in on the hug and I make sure to also hug her. We all pull away and go back to playing tea party with Tessa and her evil mr bear.

Coral puts her Minecraft squid on a sit and I put my toy bird on one as well. Tessa once again fills our cups with fake tea even the plushies and even that evil bear.

I look at the bear and shiver a little. I look away and continue to play with my sisters.

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