Chapter 149: Doctor is a...Werewolf?!

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(Dreams pov)

"Clay wake up" George says. I open my eyes to see a elf with a mushroom hat on standing over me.

"I am awake" I say

"Good now get dressed we are going to the doctors today" George says

"Okay" I say. George leaves the room and shuts the door behind him.

I stand up and get changed then look in the mirror. I look at myself. I had a white smiley face mask on the side of my head with glowing green eyes that shine so bright, my hair shines in the light as well, I have a green hoodie on with a belt that holds a sword in the side, I have black fingerless gloves with some black jeans, in one of my pockets holds a book.

I look away from the mirror and I stop and look down at my shoes. I was wearing black boots. I look at the door and walk over to it. I open the door and walk outside mine and George's room. I walk downstairs to see that Tommy was here.

I look at Tommy who has a band-aid on his nose and his nose was still bleeding a little, he also his Tommyinnit shirt on with his green thing around his neck. Tommy has a arrow bag around his back, he also has brown-ish pants on with a brown belt and he has black shoes on.

Tommy looks at me.

"Oi D you okay?" Tommy says

"Remember what I told you about whats going on with Clay?" George says

"Oh yeah" Tommy says

"Clay what do you see?" George says

"Mushroom hat" I say

"Okay so the other world" George says

"I think" I say

"Come on Clay lets get to the doctors now before anything bad happens" George says

"Dont worry I will look after the girls for you big D" Tommy says

"Okay make sure my little elfs are okay" I say

"You didn't tell me I am a elf in your other world" George says

"I didnt know until a few days ago" I say

"Okay well come on lets go" George says. I follow George outside to the car.

I get into the passenger seat of the car and put my seatbelt on which is made out of vines. George gets into the car and puts his vine seatbelt on. I look at him and he looks at me.

"Dont worry we will find out whats wrong so eveeything can go back to normal" George says

"What if they cant find out whats wrong?" I ask

"Trust me Clay they will" George says. George starts to drive which then makes me everything go from the normal world to the other world.

I blink a few times then close my eyes. I let out a sigh. After a few minutes we pull up and I open my eyes to see a building that is falling apart and is covered with trees, vines and plants.

"George that building is falling apart" I say

"Its not Clay, your seeing the other world" George says "Come on lets go inside"

George gets out of the car and so do I. We walk inside the falling apart building. The door has fallen in a odd place so I try to get around it while George walks through it.

George helps me find a seat and I sit down on it. The chair is made out of grass and vines and it had flowers on it. After a few minutes of sitting down I hear my name being called.

Me and George both stand up and walk into one of the room the doctor was in.

I look at the doctor who in the other world is a werewolf.

Hey guys I am feeling a little better today which is good anyways have a good day or night

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