Chapter 173: Hotel room 404

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(Dreams pov)

The car stops for a while which makes me wake up and look at the road to see we were suck in huge traffic. 

I sit up in my chair and Patches moves a bit as well. George looks at me then looks back at the road.

"Your finally awake" George says 

"I don't remember falling asleep" I say 

"Yeah but it has been 11 minutes now" George says "You need to sleep some more"

"No I am okay I am wide awake now" I say

"Okay well I don't know where this hotel is soooo can you look up this hotel you have booked pleaseee?" George asks

"Yeah I can" I say. I put up my phone and get the lady, from google maps, to tell George where he needs to go.

"Thanks honey" George says 

"Of course" I say

"We should get there soon if we ever get out of this traffic!" George says. I start laughing which makes George smile.

"Stop laughing! this isn't funny!" George says

"It is! It really is!" I say 

"Ugh whatever!" George says. I look at the backseat to see that Willow was asleep, Coral was asleep and Tessa was playing and cuddling Mr bear.

"How you hanging Mr bear?" I ask

"I am fine, I am enjoying my Tessa cuddles" Mr bear says 

"That's good" I say

"But how are you? We haven't talked in a while and so many things have been happening" Mr bear says 

"Yeah I know but I am fine really, I have been doing great" I stop and look at George and smile.

"We have been doing great and are getting through everything together like a team" I say. George smiles knowing I am talking about him.

I look at Mr bear which I thought it was impossible but Mr bear smiles brightly.

"I didn't know you could smile like that, I only thought that you could smile like you were made too" I say

"No no I can smile other ways as well I just don't do it often but I have been doing it a lot lately" Mr bear says. I look at Tessa who has fallen asleep and is holding Mr bear close to herself.

"Well I'll let you sleep then" I say "Your gonna need it"

"I don't sleep but sure I guess" Mr bear says. I shake my head and look back at the front to see we were pulling up at the hotel.

I get out of the car and walk into the building and up to the reception. This hotel is different from others where we have to park in the spot with the same number as the room on it andddd the rooms are a LOT bigger.

I walk up to the desk and the man looks at me with a smile.

"Hello sir how can I help you on this fine day?" 

"Umm I have a booking" I say


The guys turns toward his computer and starts typing.

"Evans, Clay" I say. The guy types it up.

"Clay Evans? 1 room with a queen bed and another room in the same room that has 3 beds in it?"

"Yep that's it" I say

"Here are your keys" 

The guy turns to the keys and takes a key off the hock thing then hands it to me.

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