Chapter 132: Drista

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(Dreams pov)

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD" George yells. Today I invited Drista, my younger sister over, over to the house and lets say George loves Drista.

"Calm down Hon your gonna make the girls really hyper" I say

"I can't calm down! This is one of a few times I actually get to see Drista!" George says "Wait wait wait! how old is she?!"

"George she's 15 gosh do you really need to know these things?" I ask

"Um yeah! Of course! Omg I didn't get her a present!" George says

"You don't need to get her a present, I already sent her, her Christmas present so calm down" I say

"What did you get her?!" George asks

"I got her a new laptop with a few gift cards oh and some nail polish" I say 

"Okay okay when she gets here I want to give her a few things" George says

"Okay okay calm down" I say

"When is she getting here?" George asks

"A cab is dropping her off" I say

"Oh my god oh my god" George says "I can't wait"

I hear a car pull up which makes me look over at the door. George's face lights up as he knows what this means. George runs over to the door and opens it. Standing in the doorway was Drista with a smile on her face.

"Omg it's Georgenotfound" Drista says

"Omg it's Drista" George says. They hug each other and start jumping up and down like little girls.

I shake my head and the girls look at me. I pick Willow and Coral up and Tessa climbs up me like a monkey. Drista looks over at me and makes a face of 'aw' Drista runs over to me and takes Coral off me.

"Look at the little baby" Drista says

"I wwll kwll you in your slwwp" Coral says. Drista makes a worry mixed with scared face and hands Coral back to me.

I start laughing and so does George.

"That baby is evil!" Drista says 

"Eh she can be" I say. Coral puts her head against me.

"So what are we doing today" Drista says

"George wants to spend the day with you" I say. Drista looks at George.

"Georgenotfound wants to spend the day with me" Drista says "It's like a dream come true"

I roll my eyes as Drista hugs George.

"Hey Dream" Drista says. I look up at her and she smiles.

"I am gonna take your husband" Drista says. I freeze for a second then snap back to real life.

"Ah shit did I say something that triggered his PTSD" Drista says

"I don't think so" George says

"No no I am fine" I say "I just thought of something odd that's all"

"If you say so little bro" Drista says

"Hey I am older than you!" I say

"Not in here" Drista says. Drista points to her head

"I hate to say it Clay but your still a kid at heart and you always will be" Drista says

"At least I am not the teenager" I say

"Oh no you didn't" Drista says

"Yes I did" I say

"Right that's it come here" Drista says. I put the girls down as Drista jumps at me and starts trying to punch me.

I throw Drista off me and Drista jumps back to me. I fight back and and up giving Drista a nose bleed.

"Oops" I say

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