Chapter 42: Showing dad

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(Dreams pov)

Me and the others follow me upstairs. 

I stop at the baby room door and my dad looks at me.

"Baby room? What do you mean baby room?"

I open the door and walk in, the others follow me. Me and George walk to the cots. I pick Willow up and walk up to my dad. My dad's eyes widen as he looks at Willow.

"She looks so much like you but you have a boyfriend so how-"

"George is a male who can get pregnant" I say

"Oh so like you, had a needle when you were a baby" 

"Wait you can get pregnant too?!" George says

"No, I was given really really really good hearing" I say "They tested it on me so they could give it to old people when they stopped hearing"

"Wait you have very good hearing?!" George says

"I can hear your heartbeat when you sleep at night, I can hear you streaming even if your whispering" I say

"But the walls are soundproof" George says

"Yeah, I know" I say 

"My god Clay" George says. I hand my dad Willow and he carefully takes her.


George picks up Coral and my dad looks at her.

"You have 2?!" 

"3" I say. I pick up Tessa and my dad looks at her.

Tommy takes Willow from my dad's arms and cuddles her. 

"What are their names?"

"Tommy is holding Willow the oldest one, George has Coral the middle and I have Tessa the youngest and by far the most smallest that most people have seen" I say

"She is very small, she might be the tallest when she grows up" 

"That's what I think" George says. I put Tessa back down in her cot.

George and Tommy both put Willow and Coral down in their cots as well.

"We need to let them sleep, they are only so young" I say

"Okay well lets leave the room" 

We all leave the room and shut the door behind me.

"Well I hope the kids will be alright having 2 dads and no mom, what will the kids at their school say about it?"

"We aren't worried about that yet, we still have other things to do" I say "School is not in my mind right now"

"I agree" George says "They are almost still newborns so we don't need to worry about school yet"

"I guess you guy's are right" 

"No, they know they are right" Tommy says

"Anyways, how's your mother Clay? Has she been nice to you?" 

I look down at the ground.

"No" I say "She thinks I need her to make all my choices she thinks she knows what's right for me and what's not even through she threw me outside in the mud and in the rain, she thinks she knows everything but she just doesn't!"

George hugs me tightly.

"Clay please calm down, she won't hurt you I promise" George says "She won't even lay one finger on our kids"

I calm down. I hug George back and let a tear roll down my face. George wipes the tear away and kisses me on the cheek very sweetie.

"I'll get going now guy's, I have to leave in a few hours but it was nice seeing you again son, I hope your happy and will stay happy"

"Keep in touch dad" I say "Tommy can give you my phone number"

"I'll try my best son"

My dad kisses me on the head then leaves like he wasn't even here. I look at George who looks at me.

"Tommy you can stay in the guest room until you find a place near by" I say

"Thanks brother" Tommy says

"Anytime" I say. I kiss George on the lips then pull away.

Me and George hug for a little bit longer.

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