Chapter 81: Pulled over

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(Dreams pov)

After a while I was getting very upset about being here at the wedding reception and I honestly don't want to be here anymore.

I walk over to George and tap on his shoulder. George turns around and looks at me, George was dead drunk.

"George...I wanna go home" I say. George just stares at me.

"Okay" George says "Then lets go home"

"Wait really?" I say

"Of course and come on we hired people to clean up after us remember?" George says

"Yeah" I say

"Then come on lets go home" George says. I smile softly and me and George walks to the car. 

I get into the car and into the drivers seat while George drunkly gets in the passenger seat. George shuts his door then I shut mine. George puts his seatbelt on and I also put mine on as well.

I put the keys in the car then start driving away. I pull onto the road and I hear something glass move around. I look out the corner of my eye to see George drinking out a bottle of wine. I look forward on the road and George looks at me.

"You okay?" George says 

"I am fine I just wanna get home that's all" I say. George looks at the bottle of wine.

"Is it the wine?" George asks "The bottle of wine"

"No no that's fine, I am fine really" I say. George shrugs and takes more sips out of his bottle of wine.

We get onto the highway and I look around. I continue to drive and we get to stop lights. I drive when the light turns green. I hear sirens behind me and I let out a sigh. I pull over and let my window go down.

The man walks to my chair door and I look at him. I pull my license and hand it to the guy who takes it and looks at it. The guy hands my license and I put it back in my wallet. 

"Have you had a breath test before?"

"Yes I have" I say. The guy gives me the breath test and it comes back negative.

The guy looks at my outfit then looks in the passenger seat to see George holding a wine bottle.

"Big night?"

"Yeah just got married" I say. I hold put my left hand and show the guy my ring.

The guy nods and smiles.

"Well I am happy for you two" 

"Thank you" I say. I look forward on the road.

"Alright I'll let you go now have a nice rest of your night"

"Thank you and you too" I say. The guy walks away back to his car and I let the window go back up.

I drive away carefully and George puts his hand on my leg. 

"I like how you make the rings have lapis Lazuli it's a nice touch and it throughs back to that we are Minecraft YouTubers" George says

"Yeah" I say softly

"You miss them don't you?" George says

"It feels wired that they aren't here and around me, when they are around me I feel more better and they make me want to talk and be around more people but I can't when they aren't here" I say 

"Don't worry we will get them back tomorrow" George says 

"For 1 day" I say "We have our Honeymoon don't forget"

"Come on don't be upset like that, we are gonna have fun I promise" George says "Now come on lets get home so we can get to bed then spend the whole day with our lovely children"

"Okay okay" I say "Lets get home then" 

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