Chapter 94: Not afraid

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(Dreams pov)

The girls are learning how to share and it has been going well, Coral was really good but maybe it's because it's her sister,

I look down at Tessa who is still sitting on my lap. Tessa is playing with Mr bear. I hear keys at the door which makes me jump. 

"Girls give me the remote" I say. Willow and Coral both look at me and nod.

They give me the remote and I take it. The door opens and George looks into the lounge room at me.

"Really? Playing video games?" George says "Whatever"

I save the game then turn off the Xbox. I put the TV on and play a kids movie. I pick Tessa up and put her on the lounge. 

"Stay here" I say. I walk out of the lounge room and half close the wooden sliding door.

I walk into the kitchen area to see George.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Your playing video games in front of the girls, they don't need that in their life's, they should be playing out doors in the sun instead of being inside watching video games " George says 

"But what if they aren't going to be like that, I have the feeling that Coral and Willow may be inside kids, I was an inside kid and I now you were as well and we can't fix what they are" I say. George looks at me and I look away from him.

"I am not afraid of you George" I say. I look back at him.

"There are things I know that you don't know, you have no idea what is happening around us, I know the girls like I know my mind and I feel like I can see what they be become and I know what they like and what they don't like" I say. George lets out a sigh.

"I know" George says "They are our blood so they are more likely to end up like us aren't they?"

"Yes" I say

"What do you mean you know stuff I don't know" George says

"I better tell you huh" I say "Tessa's bear is alive"

George starts laughing a little bit.

"Okay okay I get it your funny but really" George says 

"I am not lying" I say. I walk back into the lounge room and up to Tessa.

"Tessa sweetie can I have Mr bear please?" I ask. Tessa nods and hands me Mr bear.

I take Mr bear and leave the lounge room and walk back up to George. I put Mr bear on the kitchen counter and George looks at him.

"Go on, he knows" I say

"You told him?" Mr bear asks. George jumps back into the counter behind him.

"He had to find out soon enough and you know that" I say

"Yes I remember you telling me that" Mr bear says. Mr bear looks forward at George

"Don't worry he's fine, I already talked to him, he just wants to protect Tessa and he did" I say "When the guy broke into our house Mr bear told Tessa to hide and the closet and he kept her safe while I took care of the guy" 

"What are you?" George asks

"We aren't sure" I say "But don't throw him out, he's really nice and kind"

"Aw you care for me" Mr bear says

"Shut up" I say

"You can't lie to me" Mr bear says. I roll my eyes and look at George.

"I guess I can give him a try" George says

"Don't worry I said if he hurt Tessa I would burn him alive" I say

"You scare me" Mr bear says

"Good" I say. George picks Mr bear up.

"Hi" Mr bear says

"I am going to take you back to Tessa now" George says

"Okay" Mr bear says. I watch as George walks into the lounge room.

I let out a sigh and make myself a cup of tea. George hugs me from behind and I shake him off me.

"Something wrong?" George says

"I am fine but you came home all mad" I say. I turn around to face George.

"Why?" I ask

"Christmas shopping is killing me" George says 

"Yeah I still need to do mine" I say

"Maybe you should let Tessa try some tea sometime soon so she see if she likes it or not" George says 

"That would be a good idea I will think about it" I say

"Do you think Tessa is gonna be a little lady" George says

"There is no way any of our girls are gonna be little lady's" I say

"Good, I don't want to go buy dresses that males are gonna stare at them for" George says. I laugh a little.

"I agree" I say.

"I am gonna go out again is that okay?" George says 

"Yeah go on" I say

"Thank you" George says. George kisses me on the cheek then leaves the house locking the door behind him.

I hear the car drive away. I pick up my cup of tea and walk into the lounge room. I put my tea on the table and Tessa sits back in my lap. I pick up the tea and Tessa looks at it.

"This is real tea, this one is my favorite, do you want to try it?" I ask. Tessa nods.

Tessa puts Mr bear down and I hold the mug close to her lips. Tessa takes a sip out of the mug. I move the mug away as Tessa licks her lips. 

"Is it good?" I ask. Tessa nods really fast and try's to take the mug again.

"Okay okay calm down" I say. I put the mug down on the table and Tessa picks it up every now and then to take a sip from it.

I turn the Xbox back on and give the controller to Coral and the play the game again. I let out a sigh as I just realized that my tea was taken from me by Tessa who isn't even a year old. 

"Can I have a sip of that tea please?" I ask

"Nw mwnw" Tessa says

"Okay" I say. I cuddle with Tessa while she was drinking my tea but that didn't really matter I am just glad that she likes it.

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