Chapter 189: HOME FINALLY

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(Dreams pov)

It has been a few months since we left I mean like we left February 7th and it's now April 12th 2023 of course and now we are finally back in Orlando and we are about 6 minutes until we get back to the house.

The girls were happy to be going home and I must say I am too. George pulls up in the drive way and I get out of the car. I unlock the front door and smile.

"Home sweet home" I say 

"Happy to be home?" George asks

"Very" I say. I watch as the girls start to unpack the car.

Me and George smile as we start to unpack the car as well. After we finished we all unpack all the stuff and I carefully put the kittens down on Patches blanket.

George locks the car after he shuts it all. George walks back inside and shuts/locks the door behind him. I sit down on the ground next to Patches and the kittens. Tessa walks over to me and she sits down next to me.

I turn my head to the side and watch as Tessa carefully picks Snow up.

"Honey you should let Snow be with her mother for a bit" I say "But I guess that the kitten only stays with their mother for 2 months and it has been 3"

Patches looks at me and rubs her fur against my skin. 

"Is it okay if Tess takes the kitten?" I whisper. Patches rubs her fur on my hand which mean's yes.

"You can take Snow" I say. Tessa smiles and walks away with Snow.

I stand up and walk over to George.

"I go back to the hospital tomorrow to get my cast off" I say

"Yeah I know" George says with a smile.

"You want me t hold your hand?" George asks. I start laughing.

"Please you would need me to hold your hand" I say

"Yeah that one is true" George says. I smile and kiss George on the check.

"I have to help the girl's set up their stuff for the kittens and I have to set up their single beds now so we will talk later okay?" I say

"Y-yeah" George says. George has blush cover his face which makes me giggle a bit.

I walk upstairs and into Willow's room. Willow looks at me, I sit down on the ground and look at all the stuff she has. I hand Willow Mimi and she takes her with a smile on her face. I start to set up all the cat stuff and the single bed.

"Daddy" Willow says 

"Yeah?" I say. I look at Willow who looks away.

"Never mind" Willow says 

"Okay well if you wanna tell me anything you can" I say 

"Yeah I know" Willow says. I smile and finish up setting up the bed and stuff.

"Okay all done" I say "Make sure you take care of Mimi okay?"

"I will daddy" Willow says with a smile.

I smile and leave the room. I walk into Coral's room who looks at me. I give Coral Stitches and she smiles at me, I start to set up all the cat stuff and the single bed.

"Dad" Coral says 

"Yes?" I say

"Can we have another sister?" Coral asks. I freeze up a bit and look at Coral.

"You want another sister?" I ask

"Yeah" Coral says "I wanna be a older sister and I want a younger sister"

"Well maybe you will get a younger sister" I say

"Please?" Coral says 

"Maybe in the future" I say

"Okay, I will take that" Coral says. I smile.

"Okay we are all done here, just Tessa to go" I say "You do know that Tessa is younger then you"

"Yeah but I want a REAL younger sister not like Tessa" Coral says "We were born on the same day I mean like a sister who is younger-"

"I know what you mean don't worry" I say. I kiss Coral on the forehead.

"We will have to wait" I say

"Okay" Coral says. I leave the room and walk into the kitchen.

I start to set up the stuff in Tessa's room.  

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