Chapter 120: Stay away from there

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(Willows pov)

Me and Coral were running around like we should do but something is off about this place, Daddy doesn't like it here and he hasn't really moved from the lounge.

I look at Coral then walk to the room that mommy is in. I knock on the door and mommy opens the door and looks down at me. I look at mommy's hand to see that he wasn't holding his phone but someone else's phone.

Mommy gets down on her knees and puts his hand on my shoulders. 

"I want you and the girls to stay away from that hallway" Mommy says. Mommy points down at a hallway and I look at it.

"Do you understand?" Mommy asks

"Yws" I say. Mommy stands up and walks back in the room.

"I will cook dinner soon I am just trying to figure something out okay?" Mommy says

"Okay" I say. Mommy shuts the room door.

I look down the hallway and come on you tell me not to do something I have to do it plus no one is looking, Daddy's in his own mind on the lounge and Coral and Tessa are making tea. I walk down the hallway to see old doors that look like they haven't been touched in years.

I jump up and touch the door handle. I sigh and look around. I see a table that has a flower on it. I climb onto the table then jump from the table to the door handle. The door opens and I carefully land on the ground not making a sound.

I carefully sip through the door and look around to see it was a bloody bathroom. I look at the blood on the ground and run my finger over it, dry. Now I know our family blood and don't ask questions how.

I touch the blood and chip it off. I look at the blood and I know who's this is, this is daddy's blood. I look around the bathroom which is covered in blood. I jump onto the sink and try to open the mirror but it doesn't open, I jump down and walk over to the shower. I open the shower curtain to see that the shower was also covered in blood but has a outline of a man.

I walk into the shower and look at the drain. I notice that one of the patterns is different from the other one beside it. I feel over it and push it down which makes a noise, it seems that this was never here in the first place but was put in later after no one was going to use this bathroom ever again.

I look over at the mirror which now looks different. I jump onto the sink and open the mirror which opens this time. Inside was a sim card for a phone. I take the sim card and close the mirror which makes a click noise. 

I get off the sink and the door creaks. I look over to see mommy standing there.

"Willow" Mommy says. I look at the sim card and hold it up for mommy to see.

Mommy takes the sim card and looks at it.

"It looks like it can fit the phone I found" Mommy says

"I know" I say

"It still doesn't make it okay that you didn't listen to me" Mommy says. I look at the ground.

"But you did do a good job" Mommy says. Mommy lets out a sigh.

"I am going to let you of the hock this time but don't come back down here again" Mommy says

"Okay" I say. I walk out of the bathroom and walk down the hallway.

"I am not lwavwng wt alone, I am gowng back to fwnd out more" I say. I walk into the lounge room with the other girls and sit down.

They let me join in, in making tea.

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