Chapter 82: One day

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(Dreams pov)

We have one day to spend as much time as we can with the kids because me and George are going on our Honeymoon tomorrow.

I wake up at 5:00 am every morning to get some work done which I am going to do. I get out of bed which makes George move a little. I put my white shirt on and a green hoodie on. I walk into the bathroom and use the toilet.

Once I finished I flush and wash my hands. I get undressed and hop in the shower and take a hot shower, my favorite. I wash my hair then once I was finished I get out and walk to the mirror. I dry myself off and change back into my short black pants and my white shirt with my hoodie.

I shake my head which shakes my hair like a dog. I walk out of the bathroom and walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I make myself a cup of tea then start cooking breakfast. I hear footsteps walk down the stairs which makes me look over. 

George walks up to me and hugs me from behind. I smile and George hums lightly.

"How are you feeling?" I ask

"I have a headacheeeee" George says "I drunk so much last night that it has given me a huge headache"

"Yep that's what hang overs are my dear" I say

"When are the girls getting here?" George asks

"Phil is on his way here now" I say

"Okay" George says. I hear a car pull up and the gates open which George doesn't hear.

"Go open the door" I say. George looks at me and nods in a way saying he knows what I mean.

George walks over to the door and opens it. I hear giggling and laughing. I hear the door shut and I roll my eyes. I feel something sit and lean on my leg which makes me look down. I look down to see Willow, Coral and Tessa all hugging my leg.

I smile and laugh a little.

"I missed you guy's too" I say "You wanna see daddy's ring?"

I watch as Willow nods and Coral just stares at me. I pick Willow and Coral up and I hop around with Tessa hanging onto my leg. I move into the lounge room and put the girls on the carpet which they don't see much of.

I sit down as well and hold out my left hand. Willow looks at the ring and she smiles. Coral looks at the ring and her eyes light up. Now I know that Coral likes gems so she might collect them when she is older. Tessa looks over at my ring and her eyes light up as well but much more then Coral's.

I smile lightly. Tessa runs her small finger over my ring which makes me smile a lot.

"You can touch it girls" I say. I watch as Willow, Coral and Tessa all touch my ring.

After a little bit I finish cooking breakfast and have let George and the girls eat but I go with out which is fine I usually don't eat breakfast anyways.

I end up losing time as I played with the girls all day.

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